In 3058, Inner Sphere leaders cooperated to form what would become known as the Second Star League. While the other Clans saw this new Star League as a sham, the Nova Cats saw it as fulfillment of destiny.
The Second Star League decided that the complete elimination of a Clan was necessary to end the war between the Inner Sphere and Clans. Due in part to the Nova Cat talks with the Draconis Combine, the new Star League decided that this target Clan would be Clan Smoke Jaguar. This operation was known as Operation Bulldog. In a series of mock trials, Clan Nova Cat forces would become abtakha to the Star League forces and themselves join in the fight against the Smoke Jaguars.
In 3060, with the goal of removing the Smoke Jaguars complete, the Star League would issue a Trial of Refusal against the entire Clan invasion. Now called the Great Refusal, it pitted the best of the Inner Sphere forces against the might of the Crusader Clans. To the surprise of everybody, the Clan Nova Cat Khans fought directly on the side of the Inner Sphere rather the sit on the sidelines with the other Warden Clans. Clan Nova Cat forces, lead by their two Khans, defeated Clan Ice Hellion to secure another victory for the Inner Sphere, at the cost of the lives of Khan Severen Leroux and saKhan Lucian Carns. While the Inner Sphere won the Great Refusal, this did not shield the Nova Cats from retribution.
- Total (Inhabited) Systems: 14
- Dominant Language(s): English
Many of the Crusader Clans attacked prematurely, catching Nova Cat forces off guard. In a series of desperate holding actions, Nova Cat forces held off attacking Crusader forces to allow time for their civilian castes to escape. While several Clans, notably Clan Diamond Shark and Clan Snow Raven, would help in the evacuation, the Nova Cats were mostly left to fend for themselves. Less then three clusters of troops would manage to escape the Homeworlds and reach the Nova Cat's Inner Sphere holdings, but their actions allowed numerous civilians to survive.
In the Inner Sphere, the Nova Cats were granted control of the Irece Prefecture by the Draconis Combine. In exchange for helping to defend the Draconis Combine against attack, they would be allowed to govern these planets in the Combine's name. Once again, the Nova Cats would be forced to rebuild, this time with the open support of the Draconis Combine.
Military: Clan Nova Cat's touman remains in a state a flux. Hampered by resource shortages, front line Galaxies are increasingly replacing losses with non-Omnimech Clan designs, mothballed Star League Defense Force units, and even Inner Sphere units. The Nova Cats still maintain standard Clan rank and unit structure, even if unit composition is less uniform then it has been in the past.
Available Player Slots: 1
Available Stables:
Available Sponsors: May not take any sponsors
Special Rules:
- Once a Clan Mechwarrior has reached 5 Fame, they may purchase Non-Omni clan mechs from the Nova Cat available mech lists.
- Once a Clan Mechwarrior has reached 10 fame they may purchase any mech on the Nova Cat available mech list.
- Nova Cat Mechwarriors may not perform Physical attacks unless either...
- they are in a non-clan mech
- they have no functioning weapon on their mech that can do at least 5 points of damage.
- Nova Cat Mechwarriors may not modify their mechs (other than omni-swaps).
- May purchase Clan mechs at a 10% discount....once they have the correct amount of fame.
- 30% discount to final repair cost.
Available Starter mechs: (Italic means I don't own the mini, Bold are my recommendations)
Assassin ASN-23
Blackjack BJ-1
Clint CLNT-1-2R, CLNT-2-3T
Falcon FLC-4N
Firefly FFL-4A
Firestarter FS9-H
Hermes HER-1S
Hunchback HBK-4G
Hussar HSR-200-D
Locust LCT-1V
Mercury MCY-99
Mongoose MON-66
Ostscout OTT-7J
Panther PNT-9R
Sentinel STN-3L
Spider SDR-5V
Stinger STG-3R
Thorn THE-N
UrbanMech UM-R60
Vulcan VL-2T
Wasp WSP-1A
Whitworth WTH-1, WTH-1S
Wolfhound WLF-2
Wyvern WVE-5N
All Available Mechs: (Listed by C-Bill base cost)
Clan Nova Cat | C-Bills Cost | Tons | BV |
UrbanMech UM-R60 | 1,471,925 | 30 | 454 |
Locust LCT-1V | 1,512,401 | 20 | 356 |
Stinger STG-3R | 1,615,440 | 20 | 320 |
Wasp WSP-1A | 1,646,640 | 20 | 336 |
Thorn THE-N | 1,653,120 | 20 | 484 |
Mercury MCY-99 | 1,796,441 | 20 | 471 |
Snow Fox | 1,826,201 | 20 | 627 |
Howler (Baboon) | 1,826,241 | 20 | 587 |
Mongoose MON-66 | 1,979,480 | 25 | 633 |
Locust IIC | 2,044,793 | 25 | 975 |
Locust IIC 3 | 2,147,291 | 25 | 902 |
Firefly FFL-4A | 2,203,500 | 30 | 649 |
Falcon FLC-4N | 2,249,390 | 30 | 523 |
Firefly C | 2,441,400 | 30 | 1,174 |
Panther PNT-9R | 2,485,711 | 35 | 664 |
Hermes HER-1S | 2,701,270 | 30 | 596 |
Hussar HSR-200-D | 2,790,840 | 30 | 577 |
Whitworth WTH-1S | 2,859,734 | 40 | 753 |
Whitworth WTH-1 | 2,912,934 | 40 | 771 |
Spider SDR-5V | 2,984,540 | 30 | 514 |
Firestarter FS9-H | 3,046,950 | 35 | 500 |
Blackjack BJ-1 | 3,147,225 | 45 | 795 |
Pack Hunter | 3,206,840 | 30 | 1,384 |
Clint CLNT-1-2R | 3,220,280 | 40 | 621 |
Sentinel STN-3L | 3,292,030 | 40 | 614 |
Ostscout OTT-7J | 3,409,201 | 35 | 497 |
Vulcan VL-2T | 3,462,900 | 40 | 523 |
Hunchback HBK-4G | 3,467,876 | 50 | 851 |
Wyvern WVE-5N | 3,470,865 | 45 | 883 |
Horned Owl (Peregrine) | 3,487,860 | 35 | 1,409 |
Clint CLNT-2-3T | 3,572,380 | 40 | 672 |
Horned Owl (Peregrine) 2 | 3,629,610 | 35 | 1,232 |
Fire Moth (Dasher) H | 3,806,801 | 20 | 485 |
Assassin ASN-23 | 3,882,014 | 40 | 609 |
Fire Moth (Dasher) C | 4,004,801 | 20 | 636 |
Crab CRB-27 | 4,050,876 | 50 | 965 |
Wyvern IIC | 4,060,290 | 45 | 1,426 |
Great Wyrm | 4,064,133 | 45 | 1,139 |
Hoplite HOP-4C | 4,065,909 | 55 | 836 |
Phoenix Hawk PXH-1 | 4,067,540 | 45 | 838 |
Fire Moth (Dasher) B | 4,100,000 | 20 | 840 |
Fire Moth (Dasher) E | 4,127,801 | 20 | 633 |
Fire Moth (Dasher) D | 4,154,051 | 20 | 1,446 |
Fire Moth (Dasher) Prime | 4,208,801 | 20 | 982 |
Griffin IIC 2 | 4,238,710 | 40 | 1,454 |
Griffin IIC | 4,255,510 | 40 | 1,492 |
Hoplite HOP-4B | 4,335,759 | 55 | 994 |
Fire Moth (Dasher) A | 4,343,801 | 20 | 550 |
Fire Falcon A | 4,450,132 | 25 | 742 |
Griffin IIC 4 | 4,458,510 | 40 | 1,407 |
Fire Falcon H | 4,474,739 | 25 | 1,003 |
Griffin IIC 3 | 4,488,960 | 40 | 1,317 |
Shadow Hawk SHD-2H | 4,539,383 | 55 | 918 |
Fire Falcon B | 4,540,367 | 25 | 1,275 |
Ursus | 4,545,501 | 50 | 1,509 |
Shadow Hawk IIC 3 | 4,606,940 | 45 | 1,398 |
Mist Lynx (Koshi) D | 4,616,668 | 25 | 861 |
Chameleon CLN-7V | 4,623,375 | 50 | 839 |
Mist Lynx (Koshi) P | 4,654,949 | 25 | 1,058 |
Mist Lynx (Koshi) Prime | 4,684,637 | 25 | 895 |
Fire Falcon Prime | 4,706,773 | 25 | 1,281 |
Shadow Hawk IIC 2 | 4,723,302 | 45 | 1,517 |
Kintaro KTO-19 | 4,749,408 | 55 | 857 |
Shadow Hawk IIC | 4,752,303 | 45 | 1,646 |
Fire Falcon D | 4,755,992 | 25 | 745 |
Mist Lynx (Koshi) E | 4,790,105 | 25 | 1,046 |
Mist Lynx (Koshi) A | 4,796,355 | 25 | 631 |
Fire Falcon C | 4,813,413 | 25 | 930 |
Rifleman RFL-3N | 4,860,000 | 60 | 797 |
Fire Falcon E | 4,860,676 | 25 | 1,025 |
Mist Lynx (Koshi) B | 4,892,059 | 25 | 1,141 |
Shadow Hawk IIC 4 | 4,927,390 | 45 | 1,663 |
Mist Lynx (Koshi) H | 4,940,105 | 25 | 1,015 |
Griffin GRF-1N | 4,957,108 | 55 | 1,021 |
Dervish DV-6M | 4,980,668 | 55 | 868 |
Arctic Fox AF1D | 4,993,300 | 30 | 643 |
Arctic Fox AF1B | 4,993,463 | 30 | 634 |
Arctic Fox AF1C | 5,011,338 | 30 | 747 |
Ostroc OSR-2C | 5,025,600 | 60 | 951 |
Ostsol OTL-4D | 5,032,960 | 60 | 1,034 |
Arctic Fox AF1A | 5,064,800 | 30 | 736 |
Arctic Fox AF1 | 5,102,175 | 30 | 766 |
Night Hawk NTK-2Q | 5,126,625 | 35 | 863 |
Kit Fox (Uller) A | 5,165,713 | 30 | 1,218 |
Hoplite C | 5,191,209 | 55 | 1,455 |
Mist Lynx (Koshi) C | 5,199,480 | 25 | 1,338 |
Kit Fox (Uller) H | 5,230,713 | 30 | 1,122 |
Conjurer (Hellhound) 3 | 5,274,000 | 50 | 1,615 |
Kit Fox (Uller) B | 5,291,245 | 30 | 1,016 |
Incubus (Vixen) | 5,314,790 | 30 | 1,422 |
Conjurer (Hellhound) | 5,320,500 | 50 | 1,714 |
Incubus (Vixen) 3 | 5,326,490 | 30 | 1,216 |
Kit Fox (Uller) Prime | 5,432,213 | 30 | 1,014 |
Kit Fox (Uller) S | 5,444,400 | 30 | 1,354 |
Thunderbolt TDR-5S | 5,446,761 | 65 | 1,015 |
Incubus (Vixen) 2 | 5,477,290 | 30 | 1,573 |
Crusader CRD-3R | 5,547,411 | 65 | 948 |
Conjurer (Hellhound) 5 | 5,587,500 | 50 | 1,632 |
Kit Fox (Uller) D | 5,594,550 | 30 | 1,070 |
Catapult CPLT-A1 | 5,658,126 | 65 | 1,184 |
Champion CHP-1N | 5,674,400 | 60 | 942 |
Kit Fox (Uller) E | 5,676,369 | 30 | 1,520 |
Ocelot 2 | 5,697,810 | 35 | 1,784 |
Glass Spider (Galahad) | 5,712,000 | 60 | 1,636 |
Rifleman IIC | 5,741,588 | 65 | 2,123 |
Catapult CPLT-C1 | 5,790,126 | 65 | 1,165 |
Ocelot | 5,854,410 | 35 | 1,422 |
Catapult CPLT-C4 | 5,893,251 | 65 | 1,104 |
Rifleman IIC 2 | 5,927,076 | 65 | 1,208 |
Grasshopper GHR-5H | 6,024,574 | 70 | 1,268 |
Warhammer WHM-6R | 6,026,784 | 70 | 978 |
Talon TLN-5W | 6,034,276 | 35 | 1,030 |
Kit Fox (Uller) C | 6,047,925 | 30 | 1,195 |
Spector SPR-5F | 6,136,718 | 35 | 1,141 |
Guillotine GLT-3N | 6,300,484 | 70 | 1,296 |
Archer ARC-2R | 6,384,974 | 70 | 1,117 |
Ha Otoko | 6,458,211 | 65 | 1,466 |
Hankyu B | 6,458,400 | 30 | 1,094 |
Hankyu H | 6,490,738 | 30 | 1,148 |
Hellion A | 6,545,500 | 30 | 1,290 |
Shootist ST-8A | 6,555,229 | 70 | 1,277 |
Hankyu D | 6,591,488 | 30 | 1,100 |
Awesome AWS-8Q | 6,598,170 | 80 | 1,358 |
Hellion Prime | 6,600,425 | 30 | 1,439 |
Marauder MAD-3R | 6,635,125 | 75 | 1,089 |
Hellion B | 6,659,900 | 30 | 1,043 |
Hankyu A | 6,662,988 | 30 | 1,148 |
Hellion C | 6,732,050 | 30 | 1,547 |
Orion ON1-K | 6,763,750 | 75 | 1,069 |
Black Knight BL-6-KNT | 6,786,938 | 75 | 1,191 |
Adder (Puma) H | 6,852,938 | 35 | 1,158 |
Hankyu C | 6,948,988 | 30 | 1,627 |
Adder (Puma) D | 6,980,429 | 35 | 1,130 |
Clint IIC | 6,990,480 | 40 | 1,176 |
Adder (Puma) Prime | 7,021,688 | 35 | 1,560 |
Adder (Puma) B | 7,042,867 | 35 | 1,176 |
Jenner IIC 3 | 7,177,275 | 35 | 725 |
Adder (Puma) A | 7,232,794 | 35 | 1,304 |
Hankyu Prime | 7,257,738 | 30 | 1,313 |
Adder (Puma) C | 7,285,444 | 35 | 1,268 |
Guillotine IIC | 7,364,684 | 70 | 2,187 |
Longbow LGB-7Q | 7,408,325 | 85 | 1,376 |
Arctic Wolf 2 | 7,432,694 | 40 | 1,207 |
Stalker STK-3F | 7,452,725 | 85 | 1,152 |
Jenner IIC | 7,454,025 | 35 | 1,024 |
Adder (Puma) E | 7,482,544 | 35 | 1,143 |
Charger CGR-1A1 | 7,520,372 | 80 | 820 |
Jenner IIC 4 | 7,606,575 | 35 | 1,030 |
Jenner IIC 2 | 7,614,675 | 35 | 1,330 |
Arctic Wolf | 7,617,494 | 40 | 1,044 |
Annihilator ANH-1A | 7,696,668 | 100 | 1,151 |
Striker STC-2C | 7,709,701 | 80 | 1,154 |
Shogun SHG-2E | 7,966,100 | 85 | 1,498 |
Victor VTR-9B | 8,013,721 | 80 | 1,165 |
Victor VTR-9A | 8,027,221 | 80 | 971 |
Victor VTR-9A1 | 8,036,221 | 80 | 1,110 |
Hunchback IIC | 8,110,001 | 50 | 1,524 |
Crockett CRK-5003-1 | 8,333,325 | 85 | 1,619 |
Thug THG-11E | 8,414,041 | 80 | 1,450 |
BattleMaster BLR-1G | 8,501,244 | 85 | 1,212 |
Longbow LGB-OW | 8,647,672 | 85 | 1,034 |
Mackie MSK-6S | 8,654,000 | 100 | 1,180 |
Pouncer C | 8,662,064 | 40 | 1,596 |
Pouncer Prime | 8,755,689 | 40 | 2,191 |
Highlander HGN-732 | 8,871,480 | 90 | 1,838 |
Pouncer H | 9,019,500 | 40 | 1,586 |
Pouncer B | 9,140,950 | 40 | 1,588 |
Pouncer D | 9,148,389 | 40 | 2,182 |
Beowulf BEO-12 | 9,180,240 | 45 | 1,147 |
Warhammer IIC | 9,183,001 | 80 | 2,159 |
Pouncer A | 9,228,889 | 40 | 1,942 |
Pouncer E | 9,314,200 | 40 | 1,659 |
Supernova | 9,346,100 | 90 | 2,508 |
Cyclops CP-10-Z | 9,375,360 | 90 | 965 |
Warhammer IIC 2 | 9,525,001 | 80 | 2,173 |
Banshee BNC-3E | 9,530,854 | 95 | 1,223 |
Viking VKG-2G | 9,539,900 | 90 | 1,878 |
Atlas AS7-D | 9,682,000 | 100 | 1,557 |
Warhammer IIC 4 | 9,685,651 | 80 | 2,162 |
Akuma AKU-1XJ | 9,736,455 | 90 | 1,649 |
Highlander IIC | 9,863,280 | 90 | 2,827 |
Marauder IIC | 9,913,534 | 85 | 2,217 |
Lynx LNX-9Q | 10,105,743 | 55 | 1,525 |
Shogun C | 10,139,850 | 85 | 2,818 |
King Crab KGC-000 | 10,202,000 | 100 | 1,509 |
Marauder IIC 3 | 10,262,259 | 85 | 2,278 |
Wolverine WVR-8K | 10,289,106 | 55 | 1,481 |
Conjurer (Hellhound) 4 | 10,460,250 | 50 | 1,980 |
Stone Rhino (Behemoth) | 10,512,000 | 100 | 2,626 |
Nova (Black Hawk) B | 10,693,283 | 50 | 1,501 |
Nova (Black Hawk) C | 10,722,815 | 50 | 1,455 |
Viper (Dragonfly) B | 10,815,061 | 40 | 1,632 |
Nova (Black Hawk) D | 10,921,565 | 50 | 1,392 |
Viper (Dragonfly) Prime | 11,004,411 | 40 | 1,484 |
Imp C | 11,010,000 | 100 | 2,680 |
Viper (Dragonfly) D | 11,072,222 | 40 | 1,727 |
Viper (Dragonfly) E | 11,109,407 | 40 | 1,564 |
Viper (Dragonfly) C | 11,114,661 | 40 | 1,190 |
Viper (Dragonfly) H | 11,192,536 | 40 | 1,544 |
Nova (Black Hawk) S | 11,208,440 | 50 | 2,063 |
Cestus CTS-6Y | 11,327,361 | 65 | 1,495 |
Huntsman (Nobori-nin) A | 11,334,065 | 50 | 1,870 |
Viper (Dragonfly) A | 11,379,785 | 40 | 1,845 |
Nova (Black Hawk) A | 11,426,877 | 50 | 2,298 |
Cestus CTS-6Z | 11,432,961 | 65 | 1,275 |
Nova (Black Hawk) H | 11,659,377 | 50 | 1,552 |
Nova (Black Hawk) Prime | 11,659,377 | 50 | 2,448 |
Huntsman (Nobori-nin) B | 11,683,752 | 50 | 1,960 |
Huntsman (Nobori-nin) D | 11,690,312 | 50 | 1,851 |
Conjurer (Hellhound) 2 | 11,712,250 | 50 | 2,051 |
Nova (Black Hawk) E | 11,784,999 | 50 | 2,340 |
Shadow Cat Prime | 11,785,511 | 45 | 2,057 |
Shadow Cat H | 11,883,385 | 45 | 1,980 |
Huntsman (Nobori-nin) C | 11,902,658 | 50 | 1,927 |
Shadow Cat A | 12,039,532 | 45 | 1,972 |
Shadow Cat C | 12,095,719 | 45 | 1,817 |
Ice Ferret (Fenris) D | 12,122,363 | 45 | 1,541 |
Vapor Eagle (Goshawk) 2 | 12,210,745 | 55 | 2,016 |
Vapor Eagle (Goshawk) | 12,227,795 | 55 | 2,243 |
Ice Ferret (Fenris) A | 12,332,886 | 45 | 1,210 |
Ice Ferret (Fenris) B | 12,336,238 | 45 | 1,308 |
Huntsman (Nobori-nin) H | 12,345,624 | 50 | 2,060 |
Ice Ferret (Fenris) H | 12,432,300 | 45 | 1,342 |
Ice Ferret (Fenris) E | 12,472,900 | 45 | 1,329 |
Ice Ferret (Fenris) Prime | 12,543,588 | 45 | 1,529 |
Huntsman (Nobori-nin) Prime | 12,578,127 | 50 | 1,870 |
Ice Ferret (Fenris) C | 12,737,254 | 45 | 1,057 |
Kingfisher Prime | 13,017,970 | 90 | 2,103 |
Lancelot LNC25-01 | 13,025,600 | 60 | 1,185 |
Kingfisher H | 13,041,125 | 90 | 2,158 |
Shadow Cat B | 13,043,657 | 45 | 2,123 |
Kingfisher C | 13,193,125 | 90 | 2,391 |
Kingfisher D | 13,265,563 | 90 | 1,966 |
Thresher | 13,371,200 | 60 | 2,043 |
Kingfisher E | 13,385,500 | 90 | 2,191 |
Kingfisher A | 13,439,533 | 90 | 2,047 |
Kingfisher B | 13,924,033 | 90 | 2,043 |
Bombardier BMB-12D | 13,958,562 | 65 | 1,277 |
Mad Dog (Vulture) C | 14,580,000 | 60 | 1,707 |
Stormcrow (Ryoken) Prime | 14,771,113 | 55 | 1,911 |
Stormcrow (Ryoken) C | 14,890,948 | 55 | 1,656 |
Stormcrow (Ryoken) H | 14,937,157 | 55 | 1,731 |
Stormcrow (Ryoken) D | 15,096,613 | 55 | 1,698 |
Stormcrow (Ryoken) A | 15,329,113 | 55 | 1,894 |
Mad Dog (Vulture) Prime | 15,401,750 | 60 | 1,871 |
Stormcrow (Ryoken) B | 15,447,011 | 55 | 1,786 |
Mad Dog (Vulture) A | 15,704,000 | 60 | 1,510 |
Mad Dog (Vulture) H | 15,762,000 | 60 | 1,735 |
Exterminator EXT-4D | 15,806,423 | 65 | 1,220 |
Mad Dog (Vulture) B | 15,807,200 | 60 | 1,903 |
Excalibur EXC-B2 | 15,816,688 | 70 | 1,361 |
Dragon Fire DGR-3F | 15,946,000 | 75 | 1,618 |
Stormcrow (Ryoken) E | 16,137,050 | 55 | 1,757 |
Mad Dog (Vulture) D | 16,149,000 | 60 | 1,966 |
Nova Cat C | 17,284,256 | 70 | 1,705 |
Nova Cat A | 17,298,918 | 70 | 2,646 |
Nova Cat Prime | 17,672,918 | 70 | 2,165 |
Nova Cat D | 17,766,418 | 70 | 1,671 |
Flashman FLS-8K | 17,831,625 | 75 | 1,409 |
Hellbringer (Loki) B | 18,077,986 | 65 | 1,454 |
Nova Cat B | 18,429,418 | 70 | 2,078 |
Hellbringer (Loki) H | 18,504,409 | 65 | 1,492 |
Emperor EMP-6A | 18,682,700 | 90 | 1,636 |
Hellbringer (Loki) A | 18,717,361 | 65 | 1,651 |
Nova Cat E | 18,767,293 | 70 | 1,882 |
Black Python (Viper) | 18,838,750 | 75 | 2,413 |
Hellbringer (Loki) C | 18,862,043 | 65 | 1,698 |
Hellbringer (Loki) Prime | 18,963,315 | 65 | 2,178 |
Marauder II MAD-4S | 19,002,000 | 100 | 2,225 |
Linebacker B | 19,747,717 | 65 | 1,849 |
Linebacker C | 20,137,219 | 65 | 1,824 |
Nightstar NSR-9J | 20,159,978 | 95 | 2,135 |
Linebacker Prime | 20,277,986 | 65 | 2,016 |
Linebacker D | 20,308,717 | 65 | 1,865 |
Spartan SPT-N2 | 20,365,442 | 80 | 1,280 |
Linebacker A | 20,394,825 | 65 | 1,854 |
Spartan SPT-NF | 20,642,639 | 80 | 1,280 |
Summoner (Thor) A | 20,650,399 | 70 | 2,119 |
Linebacker H | 20,752,360 | 65 | 1,891 |
Linebacker E | 20,762,156 | 65 | 1,669 |
Summoner (Thor) H | 20,934,086 | 70 | 2,394 |
Summoner (Thor) D | 20,968,086 | 70 | 2,664 |
Summoner (Thor) C | 21,044,054 | 70 | 2,168 |
Summoner (Thor) B | 21,257,086 | 70 | 2,175 |
Summoner (Thor) Prime | 21,342,086 | 70 | 2,306 |
Phoenix Hawk IIC | 21,639,842 | 80 | 1,996 |
Summoner (Thor) E | 21,788,332 | 70 | 2,530 |
Thunder Hawk TDK-7X | 22,162,000 | 100 | 1,967 |
Pillager PLG-3Z | 22,290,000 | 100 | 2,551 |
Pillager PLG-3Z | 22,290,000 | 100 | 2,551 |
Bane (Kraken) | 22,509,000 | 100 | 1,685 |
Bane (Kraken) 2 | 22,997,000 | 100 | 2,106 |
Timberwolf (Mad Cat) A | 23,652,892 | 75 | 2,470 |
Timberwolf (Mad Cat) B | 23,741,486 | 75 | 2,012 |
Mad Cat Mk II | 24,017,900 | 90 | 2,877 |
Bane (Kraken) 3 | 24,018,000 | 100 | 2,616 |
Timberwolf (Mad Cat) Prime | 24,106,250 | 75 | 2,252 |
Timberwolf (Mad Cat) S | 24,173,517 | 75 | 2,229 |
Timberwolf (Mad Cat) C | 24,253,361 | 75 | 2,164 |
Timberwolf (Mad Cat) D | 24,326,642 | 75 | 2,351 |
Timberwolf (Mad Cat) H | 24,553,048 | 75 | 2,095 |
Timberwolf (Mad Cat) E | 24,572,188 | 75 | 2,194 |
Warhawk (Masakari) C | 25,499,747 | 85 | 2,522 |
Turkina B | 25,507,219 | 95 | 3,043 |
Warhawk (Masakari) H | 25,569,700 | 85 | 2,185 |
Gargoyle (Man O' War) D | 25,626,112 | 80 | 2,248 |
Warhawk (Masakari) B | 25,943,168 | 85 | 2,063 |
Turkina H | 25,989,844 | 95 | 2,481 |
Gargoyle (Man O' War) B | 26,040,903 | 80 | 1,631 |
Gargoyle (Man O' War) Prime | 26,105,814 | 80 | 1,342 |
Warhawk (Masakari) D | 26,229,339 | 85 | 2,238 |
Gargoyle (Man O' War) A | 26,234,964 | 80 | 2,166 |
Warhawk (Masakari) A | 26,261,716 | 85 | 2,167 |
Gargoyle (Man O' War) H | 26,364,903 | 80 | 1,821 |
Warhawk (Masakari) Prime | 26,425,325 | 85 | 2,632 |
Turkina A | 26,457,844 | 95 | 2,812 |
Gargoyle (Man O' War) C | 26,523,528 | 80 | 1,969 |
Turkina Prime | 27,028,219 | 95 | 2,759 |
Turkina C | 27,102,563 | 95 | 2,464 |
Dire Wolf (Daishi) A | 28,330,000 | 100 | 2,689 |
Dire Wolf (Daishi) H | 28,343,750 | 100 | 2,517 |
Turkina D | 28,607,719 | 95 | 2,864 |
Dire Wolf (Daishi) S | 29,407,500 | 100 | 2,875 |
Dire Wolf (Daishi) B | 29,423,126 | 100 | 2,127 |
Dire Wolf (Daishi) Prime | 29,455,000 | 100 | 2,341 |
Dire Wolf (Daishi) C | 29,532,500 | 100 | 3,290 |
Kodiak | 29,927,334 | 100 | 2,363 |
Executioner (Gladiator) D | 35,435,808 | 95 | 2,384 |
Executioner (Gladiator) Prime | 35,620,450 | 95 | 2,586 |
Executioner (Gladiator) A | 35,828,612 | 95 | 2,761 |
Executioner (Gladiator) H | 36,099,418 | 95 | 2,500 |
Executioner (Gladiator) B | 36,387,408 | 95 | 2,783 |
Executioner (Gladiator) C | 36,675,033 | 95 | 2,531 |
Executioner (Gladiator) E | 37,253,572 | 95 | 2,460 |
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