Name: Clan Wolf
Clan Wolf proved themselves expert warriors: they annihilated Clan Wolverine and absorbed Clan Widowmaker, long before their successes in the invasion of the Inner Sphere. They also created Elemental body armor, though it would take assistance from Clan Hell's Horses to perfect the Elemental phenotype and HarJel from the Diamond Sharks before Elemental suits reached their current form. They led the Warden Clans in the Grand Council and were the only Clan to oppose the Clan Invasion in 3050. Clan Wolf proposed sending a reconnaissance force to gather intelligence before the Invasion, a force that eventually became known as the Wolf's Dragoons, arguably the best mercenary unit in the Inner Sphere, and crucial in stopping the Clan's invasion.
In 3057, Clan Jade Falcon sought to remove Ulric and continue the invasion. When the Council tried Ulric for treason and voted him out of office, Clan Wolf all but destroyed itself in preventing the Jade Falcons from breaking the truce by instigating a Trial of Refusal on a scale never before seen outside of a Trial of Annihilation. This particular Trial of Refusal would be forever referred to as the "Refusal War" against the Jade Falcons.
To ensure the Clan's survival, Ulric ordered Phelan Kell (also known as Phelan Ward) to take a contingent of warriors and a cross-section of the other castes to the Inner Sphere while he and Natasha Kerensky sought to break the Falcons. Eventually, the Falcons were victorious, but they could not touch the part of the clan that left Clan-controlled space and went into self-imposed exile to the Inner Sphere. Ward's Warden Wolves, now known as Clan Wolf in Exile, settled on planet Arc-Royal in the Lyran Alliance and guarded the border against any Clan incursions.
An initially successful Jade Falcon attempt to Absorb the remaining Wolves was effectively made moot with the creation of the Clan Jade Wolf, an offshoot of Clan Jade Falcon, made up of captured Wolf warriors who were "absorbed" into the Jade Falcons. The Jade Wolves later changed their name by dropping the "Jade" part and simply going by "Wolf", effectively usurping the name of the original, or pre-Refusal War, Clan Wolf. These Wolves (also known as Crusader Wolves) rebuilt their strength and have declared themselves the only Crusader Clan not bound by the Crusader's defeat during the Great Refusal.
- Total (Inhabited) Systems: 83
- Dominant Language(s): English
Clan Wolf is also noted for their lack of formality (another thing that greatly annoys the Falcons). While they respect their traditions, they adapt to the situation, they make up their own mind, and don't rush in and think later - a trait that has proven valuable during their invasion of the Inner Sphere, where Clans found that technological edge and mastery of one on one combat is not enough to always guarantee a win.
With the devastating losses of the Refusal War, Wolf Khan Vladimir Ward has been forced to take extreme measures to ensure the survival of his Clan.
His first and most ambitious decision was to rebuild all four Wolf front-line Galaxies at once. After refuting the attempted Absorption of the Wolves by Clan Jade Falcon, the Wolves reclaimed all salvage taken up to the battle on Wotan. As Wolf warriors and OmniMechs came back into service, Khan Ward identified a small, elite core of warriors around whom three Galaxies could be re-formed. To these he added upper quality garrison troops, providing them with OmniMechs when possible and giving them the best possible BattleMechs when not. To create the fourth front line Galaxy, he gave the unprecedented order that one full garrison Galaxy would be integrated with front line forces under a new Galaxy Commander. Currently, this new Delta Galaxy is considered somewhere between second line and front line troops in quality, but Galaxy Commander Katya Kerensky has wrought astounding improvements.
Available Player Slots: 1
Available Stables:
Available Sponsors: May not take any sponsors
Special Rules:
- Once a Clan Mechwarrior has reached 5 Fame, they may purchase Non-Omni clan mechs from the Wolf available mech lists. Non-Omni clan mech are listed in this color scheme on the list below.
- Once a Clan Mechwarrior has reached 10 fame they may purchase Omni mechs on the Wolf available mech list. Omni Mechs are listed in this color scheme on the list below.
- Wolf Mechwarriors may not perform Physical attacks unless either...
- they are in a non-clan mech
- they have no functioning weapon on their mech that can do at least 5 points of damage.
- Wolf Mechwarriors may not modify their mechs (other than omni-swaps).
- May purchase Clan mechs at a 20% discount....once they have the correct amount of fame.
- 20% discount to final repair cost.
Available Starter mechs: (Italic means I don't own the mini, BOLD are my recommendations)
Assassin ASN-23
Blackjack BJ-1
Clint CLNT-1-2R, CLNT-2-3T
Falcon FLC-4N
Firefly FFL-4A
Firestarter FS9-H
Hermes HER-1S
Hunchback HBK-4G
Hussar HSR-200-D
Locust LCT-1V
Mercury MCY-99
Mongoose MON-66
Ostscout OTT-7J
Panther PNT-9R
Sentinel STN-3L
Spider SDR-5V
Stinger STG-3R
Thorn THE-N
UrbanMech UM-R60
Vulcan VL-2T
Wasp WSP-1A
Whitworth WTH-1, WTH-1S
Wyvern WVE-5N
All Available Mechs: (Listed by C-Bills base price)
Clan Wolf | C-Bills Cost | Tons | BV |
UrbanMech UM-R60 | 1,471,925 | 30 | 454 |
Locust LCT-1V | 1,512,401 | 20 | 356 |
Stinger STG-3R | 1,615,440 | 20 | 320 |
Wasp WSP-1A | 1,646,640 | 20 | 336 |
Thorn THE-N | 1,653,120 | 20 | 484 |
Mercury MCY-99 | 1,796,441 | 20 | 471 |
Howler (Baboon) | 1,826,241 | 20 | 587 |
Mongoose MON-66 | 1,979,480 | 25 | 633 |
Locust IIC | 2,044,793 | 25 | 975 |
Locust IIC 4 | 2,122,291 | 25 | 701 |
Locust IIC 3 | 2,147,291 | 25 | 902 |
Firefly FFL-4A | 2,203,500 | 30 | 649 |
Falcon FLC-4N | 2,249,390 | 30 | 523 |
Locust IIC 5 | 2,394,791 | 25 | 798 |
Firefly C | 2,441,400 | 30 | 1,174 |
Panther PNT-9R | 2,485,711 | 35 | 664 |
Hermes HER-1S | 2,701,270 | 30 | 596 |
Hussar HSR-200-D | 2,790,840 | 30 | 577 |
Whitworth WTH-1S | 2,859,734 | 40 | 753 |
Whitworth WTH-1 | 2,912,934 | 40 | 771 |
Spider SDR-5V | 2,984,540 | 30 | 514 |
Firestarter FS9-H | 3,046,950 | 35 | 500 |
Blackjack BJ-1 | 3,147,225 | 45 | 795 |
Clint CLNT-1-2R | 3,220,280 | 40 | 621 |
Sentinel STN-3L | 3,292,030 | 40 | 614 |
Ostscout OTT-7J | 3,409,201 | 35 | 497 |
Vulcan VL-2T | 3,462,900 | 40 | 523 |
Hunchback HBK-4G | 3,467,876 | 50 | 851 |
Wyvern WVE-5N | 3,470,865 | 45 | 883 |
Horned Owl (Peregrine) | 3,487,860 | 35 | 1,409 |
Clint CLNT-2-3T | 3,572,380 | 40 | 672 |
Horned Owl (Peregrine) 2 | 3,629,610 | 35 | 1,232 |
Fire Moth (Dasher) H | 3,806,801 | 20 | 485 |
Assassin ASN-23 | 3,882,014 | 40 | 609 |
Fire Moth (Dasher) C | 4,004,801 | 20 | 636 |
Crab CRB-27 | 4,050,876 | 50 | 965 |
Wyvern IIC | 4,060,290 | 45 | 1,426 |
Great Wyrm | 4,064,133 | 45 | 1,139 |
Hoplite HOP-4C | 4,065,909 | 55 | 836 |
Phoenix Hawk PXH-1 | 4,067,540 | 45 | 838 |
Fire Moth (Dasher) B | 4,100,000 | 20 | 840 |
Fire Moth (Dasher) E | 4,127,801 | 20 | 633 |
Fire Moth (Dasher) D | 4,154,051 | 20 | 1,446 |
Fire Moth (Dasher) Prime | 4,208,801 | 20 | 982 |
Griffin IIC 2 | 4,238,710 | 40 | 1,454 |
Griffin IIC | 4,255,510 | 40 | 1,492 |
Hoplite HOP-4B | 4,335,759 | 55 | 994 |
Fire Moth (Dasher) A | 4,343,801 | 20 | 550 |
Icestorm | 4,423,750 | 25 | 619 |
Shadow Hawk SHD-2H | 4,539,383 | 55 | 918 |
Mist Lynx (Koshi) D | 4,616,668 | 25 | 861 |
Chameleon CLN-7V | 4,623,375 | 50 | 839 |
Mist Lynx (Koshi) P | 4,654,949 | 25 | 1,058 |
Mist Lynx (Koshi) Prime | 4,684,637 | 25 | 895 |
Kintaro KTO-19 | 4,749,408 | 55 | 857 |
Shadow Hawk IIC | 4,752,303 | 45 | 1,646 |
Mist Lynx (Koshi) E | 4,790,105 | 25 | 1,046 |
Mist Lynx (Koshi) A | 4,796,355 | 25 | 631 |
Rifleman RFL-3N | 4,860,000 | 60 | 797 |
Mist Lynx (Koshi) B | 4,892,059 | 25 | 1,141 |
Mist Lynx (Koshi) H | 4,940,105 | 25 | 1,015 |
Griffin GRF-1N | 4,957,108 | 55 | 1,021 |
Dervish DV-6M | 4,980,668 | 55 | 868 |
Ostroc OSR-2C | 5,025,600 | 60 | 951 |
Ostsol OTL-4D | 5,032,960 | 60 | 1,034 |
Night Hawk NTK-2Q | 5,126,625 | 35 | 863 |
Kit Fox (Uller) A | 5,165,713 | 30 | 1,218 |
Hoplite C | 5,191,209 | 55 | 1,455 |
Mist Lynx (Koshi) C | 5,199,480 | 25 | 1,338 |
Kit Fox (Uller) H | 5,230,713 | 30 | 1,122 |
Kit Fox (Uller) B | 5,291,245 | 30 | 1,016 |
Incubus (Vixen) | 5,314,790 | 30 | 1,422 |
Glass Spider (Galahad) 2 | 5,318,400 | 60 | 1,755 |
Conjurer (Hellhound) | 5,320,500 | 50 | 1,714 |
Incubus (Vixen) 3 | 5,326,490 | 30 | 1,216 |
Kit Fox (Uller) Prime | 5,432,213 | 30 | 1,014 |
Kit Fox (Uller) S | 5,444,400 | 30 | 1,354 |
Thunderbolt TDR-5S | 5,446,761 | 65 | 1,015 |
Incubus (Vixen) 2 | 5,477,290 | 30 | 1,573 |
Crusader CRD-3R | 5,547,411 | 65 | 948 |
Kit Fox (Uller) D | 5,594,550 | 30 | 1,070 |
Catapult CPLT-A1 | 5,658,126 | 65 | 1,184 |
Champion CHP-1N | 5,674,400 | 60 | 942 |
Kit Fox (Uller) E | 5,676,369 | 30 | 1,520 |
Glass Spider (Galahad) | 5,712,000 | 60 | 1,636 |
Rifleman IIC | 5,741,588 | 65 | 2,123 |
Catapult CPLT-C1 | 5,790,126 | 65 | 1,165 |
Catapult CPLT-C4 | 5,893,251 | 65 | 1,104 |
Rifleman IIC 2 | 5,927,076 | 65 | 1,208 |
Grasshopper GHR-5H | 6,024,574 | 70 | 1,268 |
Warhammer WHM-6R | 6,026,784 | 70 | 978 |
Talon TLN-5W | 6,034,276 | 35 | 1,030 |
Kit Fox (Uller) C | 6,047,925 | 30 | 1,195 |
Spector SPR-5F | 6,136,718 | 35 | 1,141 |
Guillotine GLT-3N | 6,300,484 | 70 | 1,296 |
Archer ARC-2R | 6,384,974 | 70 | 1,117 |
Hankyu B | 6,458,400 | 30 | 1,094 |
Hankyu H | 6,490,738 | 30 | 1,148 |
Shootist ST-8A | 6,555,229 | 70 | 1,277 |
Hankyu D | 6,591,488 | 30 | 1,100 |
Awesome AWS-8Q | 6,598,170 | 80 | 1,358 |
Marauder MAD-3R | 6,635,125 | 75 | 1,089 |
Hankyu A | 6,662,988 | 30 | 1,148 |
Orion ON1-K | 6,763,750 | 75 | 1,069 |
Black Knight BL-6-KNT | 6,786,938 | 75 | 1,191 |
Adder (Puma) H | 6,852,938 | 35 | 1,158 |
Hankyu C | 6,948,988 | 30 | 1,627 |
Adder (Puma) D | 6,980,429 | 35 | 1,130 |
Clint IIC | 6,990,480 | 40 | 1,176 |
Adder (Puma) Prime | 7,021,688 | 35 | 1,560 |
Adder (Puma) B | 7,042,867 | 35 | 1,176 |
Adder (Puma) A | 7,232,794 | 35 | 1,304 |
Hankyu Prime | 7,257,738 | 30 | 1,313 |
Adder (Puma) C | 7,285,444 | 35 | 1,268 |
Guillotine IIC | 7,364,684 | 70 | 2,187 |
Longbow LGB-7Q | 7,408,325 | 85 | 1,376 |
Stalker STK-3F | 7,452,725 | 85 | 1,152 |
Jenner IIC | 7,454,025 | 35 | 1,024 |
Adder (Puma) E | 7,482,544 | 35 | 1,143 |
Charger CGR-1A1 | 7,520,372 | 80 | 820 |
Lobo | 7,554,400 | 40 | 1,299 |
Annihilator ANH-1A | 7,696,668 | 100 | 1,151 |
Striker STC-2C | 7,709,701 | 80 | 1,154 |
Shogun SHG-2E | 7,966,100 | 85 | 1,498 |
Victor VTR-9B | 8,013,721 | 80 | 1,165 |
Victor VTR-9A | 8,027,221 | 80 | 971 |
Victor VTR-9A1 | 8,036,221 | 80 | 1,110 |
Hunchback IIC | 8,110,001 | 50 | 1,524 |
Orion IIC | 8,267,000 | 75 | 1,923 |
Crockett CRK-5003-1 | 8,333,325 | 85 | 1,619 |
Thug THG-11E | 8,414,041 | 80 | 1,450 |
BattleMaster BLR-1G | 8,501,244 | 85 | 1,212 |
Longbow LGB-OW | 8,647,672 | 85 | 1,034 |
Mackie MSK-6S | 8,654,000 | 100 | 1,180 |
Pouncer C | 8,662,064 | 40 | 1,596 |
Pouncer Prime | 8,755,689 | 40 | 2,191 |
Highlander HGN-732 | 8,871,480 | 90 | 1,838 |
Pouncer H | 9,019,500 | 40 | 1,586 |
Pouncer B | 9,140,950 | 40 | 1,588 |
Pouncer D | 9,148,389 | 40 | 2,182 |
Warhammer IIC | 9,183,001 | 80 | 2,159 |
Pouncer A | 9,228,889 | 40 | 1,942 |
Pouncer E | 9,314,200 | 40 | 1,659 |
Supernova | 9,346,100 | 90 | 2,508 |
Cyclops CP-10-Z | 9,375,360 | 90 | 965 |
Warhammer IIC 2 | 9,525,001 | 80 | 2,173 |
Banshee BNC-3E | 9,530,854 | 95 | 1,223 |
Atlas AS7-D | 9,682,000 | 100 | 1,557 |
Highlander IIC | 9,863,280 | 90 | 2,827 |
Marauder IIC | 9,913,534 | 85 | 2,217 |
Phantom B | 10,055,889 | 40 | 966 |
Lynx LNX-9Q | 10,105,743 | 55 | 1,525 |
Shogun C | 10,139,850 | 85 | 2,818 |
King Crab KGC-000 | 10,202,000 | 100 | 1,509 |
Marauder IIC 3 | 10,262,259 | 85 | 2,278 |
Phantom C | 10,394,825 | 40 | 1,413 |
Phantom H | 10,412,325 | 40 | 967 |
Stone Rhino (Behemoth) | 10,512,000 | 100 | 2,626 |
Phantom E | 10,547,950 | 40 | 836 |
Phantom A | 10,550,139 | 40 | 1,271 |
Nova (Black Hawk) B | 10,693,283 | 50 | 1,501 |
Nova (Black Hawk) C | 10,722,815 | 50 | 1,455 |
Viper (Dragonfly) B | 10,815,061 | 40 | 1,632 |
Phantom D | 10,845,889 | 40 | 1,443 |
Nova (Black Hawk) D | 10,921,565 | 50 | 1,392 |
Viper (Dragonfly) Prime | 11,004,411 | 40 | 1,484 |
Imp C | 11,010,000 | 100 | 2,680 |
Viper (Dragonfly) D | 11,072,222 | 40 | 1,727 |
Viper (Dragonfly) E | 11,109,407 | 40 | 1,564 |
Viper (Dragonfly) C | 11,114,661 | 40 | 1,190 |
Viper (Dragonfly) H | 11,192,536 | 40 | 1,544 |
Phantom Prime | 11,206,389 | 40 | 1,029 |
Nova (Black Hawk) S | 11,208,440 | 50 | 2,063 |
Cestus CTS-6Y | 11,327,361 | 65 | 1,495 |
Viper (Dragonfly) A | 11,379,785 | 40 | 1,845 |
Nova (Black Hawk) A | 11,426,877 | 50 | 2,298 |
Nova (Black Hawk) H | 11,659,377 | 50 | 1,552 |
Nova (Black Hawk) Prime | 11,659,377 | 50 | 2,448 |
Annihilator C | 11,676,000 | 100 | 2,005 |
Nova (Black Hawk) E | 11,784,999 | 50 | 2,340 |
Shadow Cat Prime | 11,785,511 | 45 | 2,057 |
Shadow Cat H | 11,883,385 | 45 | 1,980 |
Shadow Cat A | 12,039,532 | 45 | 1,972 |
Shadow Cat C | 12,095,719 | 45 | 1,817 |
Ice Ferret (Fenris) D | 12,122,363 | 45 | 1,541 |
Vapor Eagle (Goshawk) 2 | 12,210,745 | 55 | 2,016 |
Vapor Eagle (Goshawk) | 12,227,795 | 55 | 2,243 |
Ice Ferret (Fenris) A | 12,332,886 | 45 | 1,210 |
Ice Ferret (Fenris) B | 12,336,238 | 45 | 1,308 |
Ice Ferret (Fenris) H | 12,432,300 | 45 | 1,342 |
Ice Ferret (Fenris) E | 12,472,900 | 45 | 1,329 |
Ice Ferret (Fenris) Prime | 12,543,588 | 45 | 1,529 |
Ice Ferret (Fenris) C | 12,737,254 | 45 | 1,057 |
Kingfisher Prime | 13,017,970 | 90 | 2,103 |
Lancelot LNC25-01 | 13,025,600 | 60 | 1,185 |
Kingfisher H | 13,041,125 | 90 | 2,158 |
Shadow Cat B | 13,043,657 | 45 | 2,123 |
Kingfisher C | 13,193,125 | 90 | 2,391 |
Kingfisher D | 13,265,563 | 90 | 1,966 |
Kingfisher E | 13,385,500 | 90 | 2,191 |
Kingfisher A | 13,439,533 | 90 | 2,047 |
Kingfisher B | 13,924,033 | 90 | 2,043 |
Bombardier BMB-12D | 13,958,562 | 65 | 1,277 |
Mad Dog (Vulture) C | 14,580,000 | 60 | 1,707 |
Stormcrow (Ryoken) Prime | 14,771,113 | 55 | 1,911 |
Stormcrow (Ryoken) C | 14,890,948 | 55 | 1,656 |
Stormcrow (Ryoken) H | 14,937,157 | 55 | 1,731 |
Stormcrow (Ryoken) D | 15,096,613 | 55 | 1,698 |
Stormcrow (Ryoken) A | 15,329,113 | 55 | 1,894 |
Mad Dog (Vulture) Prime | 15,401,750 | 60 | 1,871 |
Stormcrow (Ryoken) B | 15,447,011 | 55 | 1,786 |
Mad Dog (Vulture) A | 15,704,000 | 60 | 1,510 |
Mad Dog (Vulture) H | 15,762,000 | 60 | 1,735 |
Exterminator EXT-4D | 15,806,423 | 65 | 1,220 |
Mad Dog (Vulture) B | 15,807,200 | 60 | 1,903 |
Excalibur EXC-B2 | 15,816,688 | 70 | 1,361 |
Stormcrow (Ryoken) E | 16,137,050 | 55 | 1,757 |
Mad Dog (Vulture) D | 16,149,000 | 60 | 1,966 |
Flashman FLS-8K | 17,831,625 | 75 | 1,409 |
Hellbringer (Loki) B | 18,077,986 | 65 | 1,454 |
Hellbringer (Loki) H | 18,504,409 | 65 | 1,492 |
Emperor EMP-6A | 18,682,700 | 90 | 1,636 |
Hellbringer (Loki) A | 18,717,361 | 65 | 1,651 |
Black Python (Viper) | 18,838,750 | 75 | 2,413 |
Hellbringer (Loki) C | 18,862,043 | 65 | 1,698 |
Hellbringer (Loki) Prime | 18,963,315 | 65 | 2,178 |
Linebacker B | 19,747,717 | 65 | 1,849 |
Linebacker C | 20,137,219 | 65 | 1,824 |
Nightstar NSR-9J | 20,159,978 | 95 | 2,135 |
Linebacker Prime | 20,277,986 | 65 | 2,016 |
Linebacker D | 20,308,717 | 65 | 1,865 |
Spartan SPT-N2 | 20,365,442 | 80 | 1,280 |
Linebacker A | 20,394,825 | 65 | 1,854 |
Spartan SPT-NF | 20,642,639 | 80 | 1,280 |
Summoner (Thor) A | 20,650,399 | 70 | 2,119 |
Linebacker H | 20,752,360 | 65 | 1,891 |
Linebacker E | 20,762,156 | 65 | 1,669 |
Summoner (Thor) H | 20,934,086 | 70 | 2,394 |
Summoner (Thor) D | 20,968,086 | 70 | 2,664 |
Summoner (Thor) C | 21,044,054 | 70 | 2,168 |
Summoner (Thor) B | 21,257,086 | 70 | 2,175 |
Summoner (Thor) Prime | 21,342,086 | 70 | 2,306 |
Phoenix Hawk IIC | 21,639,842 | 80 | 1,996 |
Summoner (Thor) E | 21,788,332 | 70 | 2,530 |
Thunder Hawk TDK-7X | 22,162,000 | 100 | 1,967 |
Pillager PLG-3Z | 22,290,000 | 100 | 2,551 |
Bane (Kraken) | 22,509,000 | 100 | 1,685 |
Bane (Kraken) 2 | 22,997,000 | 100 | 2,106 |
Timberwolf (Mad Cat) A | 23,652,892 | 75 | 2,470 |
Timberwolf (Mad Cat) B | 23,741,486 | 75 | 2,012 |
Bane (Kraken) 3 | 24,018,000 | 100 | 2,616 |
Timberwolf (Mad Cat) Prime | 24,106,250 | 75 | 2,252 |
Timberwolf (Mad Cat) S | 24,173,517 | 75 | 2,229 |
Timberwolf (Mad Cat) C | 24,253,361 | 75 | 2,164 |
Timberwolf (Mad Cat) D | 24,326,642 | 75 | 2,351 |
Timberwolf (Mad Cat) H | 24,553,048 | 75 | 2,095 |
Timberwolf (Mad Cat) E | 24,572,188 | 75 | 2,194 |
Warhawk (Masakari) C | 25,499,747 | 85 | 2,522 |
Warhawk (Masakari) H | 25,569,700 | 85 | 2,185 |
Gargoyle (Man O' War) D | 25,626,112 | 80 | 2,248 |
Warhawk (Masakari) B | 25,943,168 | 85 | 2,063 |
Gargoyle (Man O' War) B | 26,040,903 | 80 | 1,631 |
Gargoyle (Man O' War) Prime | 26,105,814 | 80 | 1,342 |
Warhawk (Masakari) D | 26,229,339 | 85 | 2,238 |
Gargoyle (Man O' War) A | 26,234,964 | 80 | 2,166 |
Warhawk (Masakari) A | 26,261,716 | 85 | 2,167 |
Gargoyle (Man O' War) H | 26,364,903 | 80 | 1,821 |
Warhawk (Masakari) Prime | 26,425,325 | 85 | 2,632 |
Gargoyle (Man O' War) C | 26,523,528 | 80 | 1,969 |
Dire Wolf (Daishi) A | 28,330,000 | 100 | 2,689 |
Dire Wolf (Daishi) H | 28,343,750 | 100 | 2,517 |
Dire Wolf (Daishi) S | 29,407,500 | 100 | 2,875 |
Dire Wolf (Daishi) B | 29,423,126 | 100 | 2,127 |
Dire Wolf (Daishi) Prime | 29,455,000 | 100 | 2,341 |
Dire Wolf (Daishi) C | 29,532,500 | 100 | 3,290 |
Executioner (Gladiator) D | 35,435,808 | 95 | 2,384 |
Executioner (Gladiator) Prime | 35,620,450 | 95 | 2,586 |
Executioner (Gladiator) A | 35,828,612 | 95 | 2,761 |
Executioner (Gladiator) H | 36,099,418 | 95 | 2,500 |
Executioner (Gladiator) B | 36,387,408 | 95 | 2,783 |
Executioner (Gladiator) C | 36,675,033 | 95 | 2,531 |
Executioner (Gladiator) E | 37,253,572 | 95 | 2,460 |
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