Friday, May 20, 2011

Faction: Periphery State: Magistracy of Canopus

Name:  Magistracy of Canopus

Background:  The Magistracy of Canopus is an interstellar nation located in the Periphery. The Magistracy is a matriarchal society led by a Magestrix of the Centrella family. The capital is in the city of Crimson on Canopus.

  • Total (Inhabited) Systems: 42
  • Dominant Language(s): English

 Though the Magistracy had to deal with a handful of excursions into their territory, such with as the Concordat in 2813, it remained relatively stable while the Great Houses continued their relentless drive to subjugate each other. It was not until 3030, after the end of the Fourth Succession War, that the Magistracy attempted a large-scale invasion of an Inner Sphere power for the first time.

With the Capellan Confederation left in shambles by the juggernaut of House Davion and more than half of their worlds lost, Kyalla Centrella believed that the Magistracy's chance to vanquish a long-time enemy and increase her realm beyond measure had come. Allied with the always-rebellious Duchy of Andurien of the Free World's League, the two launched an offensive that was wildly successful at first. However, the Magistracy experienced what the Star League of five centuries before had learned-those defending their homeland fight most savagely. Backed into a corner, the Capellan Confederation exploded into action, relentlessly driving the Canopian-Andurian forces off their worlds.

The Trinity Alliance is a mutual protection and non-aggression pact between the Capellan Confederation, the Taurian Concordat, and the Magistracy of Canopus, signed in August of 3062. On the surface, the alliance was proposed by Sun-Tzu Liao as a means to advance the technology and internal capabilities of both the Concord and Magistracy. Beneath the surface, the Alliance was orchestrated as a power-play by Chancellor Sun-Tzu to tip the balance of power within the Inner Sphere in his favor:
  • Mutual defense of the three realms allowed the Confederation to increase the size of its military, in particular by utilizing Canopian troops during the Capellan-St. Ives War.
  • A strengthened Taurian Concordat and Magistracy of Canopus would be a thorn in the sides of the Federated Suns and Free Worlds League, respectively.
  • And within the Second Star League, the new voting block of 3 realms eased the possibility of passing motions favoring Chancellor Sun-Tzu's policies.

Available Player Slots: 1

Current Players: Dave

Available Stables:

Available Sponsors:
  • Liao Sponsors
  • Unaffiliated Sponsors

Special Rules: 
  • Trinity Alliance.  If a mechwarrior has 10 Fame he may purchase mechs from the House Liao or Taurian Concordat mech lists.

Special Technology: Rocket Launchers 

Available Starter mechs: (Italic means I don't own the mini, Bold are Recommendations)
Assassin ASN-22
Blackjack BJ-1, BJ-3
Brigand LDT-1, LDT-X1, LDT-X2
Centurion CN9-A
Cicada CDA-2A
Commando COM-2D
Duan Gung D9-G9
Eagle EGL-2M

Firestarter FS9-C, FS9-H, FS9-S
Hammer HMR-3M
Hatchetman HCT-3F
Hermes HER-1A
Hermes II HER-5S
Hunchback HBK-4G, HBK-4P, HBK-5N, HBK-5H
Javelin JVN-10F, JVN-10N, JVN-10P
Jenner JR7-D, JR7-K
Locust LCT-1V, LCT-5V
Mongoose MON-67
Panther PNT-9R
Raptor RTX1-O, RTX1-OA, RTX1-OE
Spider SDR-5V , SDR-7M
Stinger STG-3R, STG-3R, STG-6L
Tarantula ZPH-1A
Thorn THE-S
UrbanMech UM-R60, UM-R60L
Vindicator VND-1R, VND-3L
Vulcan VL-2T
Wasp WSP-1A, WSP-3L
Watchman WTC-4M
Whitworth WTH-1
Wolfhound WLF-1

All Available Mechs: (Listed alphabetically)

Periphery - Magistracy of Canopus C-Bills Cost Tons BV
UrbanMech UM-R60  1,471,925 30 454
Locust LCT-1V  1,512,401 20 356
Thorn THE-S  1,558,320 20 445
UrbanMech UM-R60L  1,581,125 30 443
Stinger STG-3R 1,615,440 20 320
Stinger STG-3R 1,615,440 20 320
Wasp WSP-1A  1,646,640 20 336
Locust LCT-5V  1,799,200 20 593
Mongoose MON-67 1,885,730 25 612
Commando COM-2D 1,891,250 25 432
Stinger STG-6L 2,116,240 20 603
Wasp WSP-3L  2,137,200 20 441
Eagle EGL-2M  2,237,918 25 745
Brigand LDT-1  2,286,250 25 721
Brigand LDT-X2 2,286,250 25 780
Brigand LDT-X1 2,336,250 25 838
Javelin JVN-10F 2,361,840 30 702
Javelin JVN-10P 2,370,940 30 514
Javelin JVN-10N 2,400,840 30 487
Hammer HMR-3M  2,411,240 30 616
Panther PNT-9R 2,485,711 35 664
Hermes HER-1A  2,569,970 30 501
Whitworth WTH-1 2,912,934 40 771
Wolfhound WLF-1 2,925,180 35 736
Spider SDR-5V  2,984,540 30 514
Watchman WTC-4M 2,990,028 40 865
Firestarter FS9-H  3,046,950 35 500
Spider SDR-7M  3,115,840 30 492
Hatchetman HCT-3F  3,129,390 45 769
Blackjack BJ-1 3,147,225 45 795
Vindicator VND-1R  3,181,083 45 900
Jenner JR7-D  3,198,376 35 669
Firestarter FS9-S  3,241,688 35 551
Jenner JR7-K  3,306,376 35 694
Firestarter FS9-C  3,329,100 35 924
Duan Gung D9-G9 3,344,584 25 729
Hunchback HBK-4P  3,377,876 50 960
Hermes II HER-5S  3,456,180 40 740
Vulcan VL-2T  3,462,900 40 523
Hunchback HBK-4G  3,467,876 50 851
Vindicator VND-3L  3,524,370 45 1,069
Centurion CN9-A 3,563,501 50 772
Hunchback HBK-5N  3,575,876 50 903
Blackjack BJ-3 3,592,375 45 1,099
Tarantula ZPH-1A  3,627,918 25 636
Cicada CDA-2A  3,705,218 40 567
Assassin ASN-22 3,765,814 40 596
Raptor RTX1-OE 3,820,964 25 517
Hunchback HBK-5H  3,824,500 50 901
Raptor RTX1-O  3,917,449 25 655
Raptor RTX1-OA 3,918,622 25 702
Raptor RTX1-OB 4,030,340 25 533
Raptor RTX1-OC 4,156,512 25 780
Raptor RTX1-OD 4,228,387 25 428
Trebuchet TBT-5N  4,293,501 50 864
Shadow Hawk SHD-2H  4,539,383 55 918
Marshal MHL-X2 4,545,324 55 995
Jackal JA-KL-1532  4,567,940 30 678
Raptor RTX1-OF 4,589,324 25 959
Chameleon CLN-7V  4,623,375 50 839
Starslayer STY-3C  4,873,626 50 1,294
Marshal MHL-2L 4,940,574 55 1,169
Merlin MLN-1B  4,954,400 60 1,060
Griffin GRF-1N 4,957,108 55 1,021
Merlin MLN-1A  4,960,000 60 1,039
Dervish DV-6M  4,980,668 55 868
Starslayer STY-3D  5,020,251 50 1,408
Dragon DRG-1N  5,118,400 60 952
Anubis ABS-3L  5,153,525 30 807
JagerMech JM6-S 5,232,426 65 749
Phoenix Hawk PXH-4L  5,255,815 45 1,117
Anubis ABS-3R  5,270,525 30 845
Raven RVN-3L  5,353,425 35 592
Anubis ABS-3T  5,440,175 30 871
Quickdraw QKD-4G  5,514,560 60 1,012
Quickdraw QKD-5M  5,746,560 60 1,142
Catapult CPLT-C1  5,790,126 65 1,165
Catapult CPLT-C3  5,872,626 65 1,030
Cataphract CTF-2X  5,877,354 70 1,035
Catapult CPLT-C4  5,893,251 65 1,104
Cataphract CTF-1X  5,998,054 70 1,092
Grasshopper GHR-5H  6,024,574 70 1,268
Warhammer WHM-6R  6,026,784 70 978
Guillotine GLT-4L  6,062,484 70 1,222
Grasshopper GHR-5N  6,160,574 70 1,316
Grasshopper GHR-5J  6,427,474 70 1,201
Guillotine GLT-5M  6,470,484 70 1,295
Black Knight BL-7-KNT  6,594,438 75 1,106
Awesome AWS-8Q 6,598,170 80 1,358
Marauder MAD-3R 6,635,125 75 1,089
Gallowglas GAL-1GLS  6,646,179 70 1,497
Orion ON1-K  6,763,750 75 1,069
Ostroc OSR-4L  7,069,760 60 1,431
Snake SNK-1V  7,233,470 45 910
Longbow LGB-7Q 7,408,325 85 1,376
Stalker STK-3F 7,452,725 85 1,152
Awesome AWS-9Q 7,456,050 80 1,623
Charger CGR-1A1 7,520,372 80 820
Zeus ZEU-6S  7,617,901 80 1,148
Charger CGR-1L 7,662,122 80 772
Stalker STK-5M 7,696,925 85 1,316
Cicada CDA-3M  7,742,468 40 664
Charger CGR-1A5 7,756,771 80 1,132
Thug THG-10E  7,760,641 80 1,203
Charger CGR-2A2 7,770,119 80 944
Victor VTR-9B  8,013,721 80 1,165
Vindicator VND-4L  8,119,420 45 1,177
Huron Warrior HUR-WO-R4L  8,279,001 50 1,139
Highlander HGN-733  8,307,180 90 1,424
Victor VTR-9K  8,499,721 80 1,634
Enforcer ENF-5D 8,808,876 50 1,039
Trebuchet TBT-7M  8,844,501 50 1,206
Blackjack BJ2-O 8,923,439 50 1,187
Blackjack BJ2-OD  8,973,596 50 1,184
Blackjack BJ2-OA  9,127,346 50 1,231
Cyclops CP-11-A 9,318,360 90 1,251
Blackjack BJ2-OF  9,344,846 50 1,258
Cyclops CP-10-Z 9,375,360 90 965
Blackjack BJ2-OC  9,509,846 50 1,161
Banshee BNC-3E 9,530,854 95 1,223
Centurion CN9-D 9,628,500 50 940
Blackjack BJ2-OB  9,671,096 50 1,298
Atlas AS7-D  9,682,000 100 1,557
Banshee BNC-3M 9,824,329 95 1,267
Cyclops CP-11-G 10,275,960 90 1,770
Shadow Hawk SHD-7M  10,313,906 55 1,351
Tempest TMP-3M 11,912,451 65 1,613
Wraith TR1  13,225,324 55 1,089
Cataphract CTF-3D  13,588,554 70 1,266
Jinggau JN-G8A 14,427,327 65 1,915
Ti Ts'ang TSG-9H  15,361,280 60 1,462
Cataphract CTF-3L  15,379,504 70 1,294
Orion ON1-M  15,398,250 75 1,192
War Dog WR-DG-02FC  15,401,750 75 1,553
Thunder THR-1L 15,579,538 70 1,227
Bandersnatch BNDR-01A  15,986,250 75 1,216
Hercules HRC-LS-9000  16,275,688 70 1,336
Men Shen MS1-O  16,570,469 55 1,199
Men Shen MS1-OC 16,613,579 55 1,151
Men Shen MS1-OD 16,624,719 55 1,157
Men Shen MS1-OB 16,719,657 55 1,128
Men Shen MS1-OA 16,897,907 55 1,232
Awesome AWS-9M 18,090,121 80 1,469
Emperor EMP-6A 18,682,700 90 1,636
Pillager PLG-3Z 22,290,000 100 2,551
Devastator DVS-2  22,398,000 100 2,093
Yu Huang Y-H9G  23,712,000 90 1,781
Grand Titan T-IT-N10M  28,833,334 100 1,364

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