The Word of Blake was a splinter faction of ComStar that was created out of a conservative backlash against the removal of ComStar's mystical and religious aspects. The Blakists initially took refuge in the Free Worlds League, but were able to move most of their operations to Terra after they conquered it in 3058. In 3066 The Word of Blake Protectorate was formed with 6 worlds in the Chaos March region about Terra.
- Total (Inhabited) Systems: 6
- Dominant Language(s): English
The Word of Blake was far too factional to be able to unite behind the First Circuit system that ComStar uses, with a large number of opposing factions and sub-sects of various sizes. Instead, the Ruling Conclave was composed of the heads of the the four largest factions and the Precentor Martial.
The five factions significant enough to have earned a place on the conclave are as follows:
the smallest faction on the conclave, they feel over time that Jerome Blake's word has been corrupted and may need to be revised in some areas, but not to the same extremes that caused the Word of Blake to split from ComStar originally. They approach dangerous ground with regards to their beliefs and how they are viewed by other members of the conclave.
When Victor Steiner-Davion became Precentor-Martial of ComStar in 3062 many officers and officials who had remained in the order in the hopes of reversing the reforms carried out by Focht saw that the organization was unable to be redeemed in their eyes. As such many left for the Word of Blake and became Expatriates. The Expatriates often threw their weight behind the True Believers, until 3065 when many of its high-ranking members were unmasked as ComStar agents. In the light of this betrayal, the Expatriates ceased to be when the bulk of the sect switched their allegiances to other factions.
Named after Jerome Blake’s student the Toyamas are the most radical faction on the conclave. They believe that Blake’s truth must be spread to the rest of the Inner Sphere by any and all means available, openly launching terrorist attacks against the Inner Sphere and even targeting other factions to enhance its position on the conclave. The bulk of the most fanatical and terrible acts of the Jihad were committed by the Toyamas.
True Believers
one of the moderate factions on the conclave, most true believers wish to come to a understanding with the rest of the inner sphere and are generally non-violent, however they are not pacifists. They feel that the Word of Blake should unify before it leads the inner sphere to the truth.
The least vocal but less splintered faction, the Shunners interpreted the works of Jerome Blake and the schism as an indication that the destruction of the Inner Sphere was imminent and that the Blakists had to isolate themselves. Openly critical of the relationship with the Free Worlds League, after the seizure of Terra the faction's members moved en masse to a refuge dome on Venus in 3059, with the bulk killed after sabotage of the machinery maintaining the domes atmosphere. While a number survived, the faction no longer had the numbers to remain on the Concave and its position was taken by the Expatriates.
The Word of Blake Militia began its life at slightly more than four divisions of troops, the Blake Guards, which retained the standard Com Guard numbering and are were primarily tasked with defending Gibson. The Militia was twice that size in 3058, when the Word took Terra from ComStar and added another two divisions shortly thereafter. By the beginning of 3067, the Militia is rumored to contain over forty divisions..
Available Player Slots: 1
Available Stables: The Word of Blake player may not join a Stable.
Available Sponsors: The Word of Blake player may not take any sponsors.
Special Rules:
- Word of Blake players may not modify their mechs.
- The Word of Blake player may purchase mechs at a 20% discount.
- They also repair mechs at a 25% discount.
- When at 15 Fame, Word of Blake player may join the Manei Domini, an elite group of cybernetically-enhanced soldiers who served the Word of Blake. Should the player elect to join they will take a one time -5 Fame penalty, but there is no CP or C-Bill cost for the procedure. The Word of Blake will pay for the operation. The Fame hit is due to fans being uneasy with a Cybernetic mechwarrior.
- Manei Domini Omegas
Using enhanced sensory implants and a variation of the Federated Commonwealth’s failed direct-neural interface technology, Manei Domini Omegas MechWarriors receive a –1 modifier for all Piloting and Gunnery skill rolls. If a BattleMech controlled by an Omega suffers internal damage or a critical hit, the controlling player should roll 2D6, and apply 1 point of damage to the warrior on any result of 8+, rolling for pilot consciousness as normal. - Repair / Modification abilities of a C Rated Stable:
- Omni-mech Configuration Swaps (+/- difference),
- Critical location swap, weapon facing swap. Cost 50,000 C-Bills per critical moved/changed (Moving ammo location, turning rear mounted weapons to front facing or arms).
- Variant Swap (+/- difference),
- Inner Sphere weapon / equipment swap (Can swap out weapons systems for cost of weapons system added, only Level 1 or 2 weapon systems may be added this way)
- Add or remove Jumpjets for the cost of the jump jets if added.
- Add Armor for the cost of the armor if added. Note: you do not get to sell back the removed weapon / jumpjet / armor removed...those are taken to cover the labor costs of the modification.
- Clan Weapon Swap (Clan weapon for Clan weapon only)
- Can't swap armor types (Ferro Fiberous, Stealth), chassis types (endo steel), Engines, Myomers, Clan tech for IS tech.
Available Starter mechs: (Italic means I don't own the mini)
(includes mechs available with the 20% discount, BOLD are my recommendations)
Assassin ASN-21, ASN-23
Blackjack BJ-1
Centurion CN9-A, CN9-AH
Chameleon CLN-7V
Cicada CDA-2A, CDA-2B, CDA-3C
Clint CLNT-2-3T
Crab CRB-27
Eagle EGL-2M
Falcon FLC-4N
Falcon Hawk FNHK-9K
Firefly FFL-4A
Firestarter FS9-H
Hammer HMR-3M, HER-1S, HER-3S
Hoplite HOP-4B, HOP-4C
Hunchback HBK-4G, HBK-4H, HBK-4J, HBK-4N, HBK-4P, HBK-4SP, HBK-5N
Hussar HSR-200-D
Initiate INI-02
Jackal JA-KL-1532
Javelin JVN-10N
Kintaro KTO-18, KTO-19
Lineholder KW1-LH2, KW1-LH3
Locust LCT-1E, LCT-1V, LCT-3V, LCT-5M
Mercury MCY-102, MCY-97, MCY-98, MCY-99
Mongoose MON-66, MON-76
Nexus II NXS2-A, NXS2-B
Nexus NXS1-A, NXS1-B
Ostscout OTT-7J
Panther PNT-9R
Phoenix Hawk PXH-1
Red Shift RDS-2A, RDS-2B
Sentinel STN-3L
Shadow Hawk SHD-2H
Spider SDR-5V, SDR-7M
Stinger STG-3G, STG-3R, STG-5M, STG-5R
Tarantula ZPH-1A, ZPH-2A, ZPH-3A, ZPH-4A
Thorn THE-N, THE-N1
Trebuchet TBT-5N
UrbanMech UM-R60
Vulcan VL-2T, VL-5T
Wasp WSP-1A, WSP-3L
Whitworth WTH-1, WTH-1S
Wyvern WVE-5N, WVE-9N
All Available Mechs: (Listed by C-Bill base price)
Word of Blake | C-Bills Cost | Tons | BV |
UrbanMech UM-R60 | 1,471,925 | 30 | 454 |
Locust LCT-1V | 1,512,401 | 20 | 356 |
Locust LCT-3V | 1,553,801 | 20 | 434 |
Locust LCT-1E | 1,574,201 | 20 | 484 |
Mercury MCY-98 | 1,580,441 | 20 | 484 |
Stinger STG-3R | 1,615,440 | 20 | 320 |
Wasp WSP-1A | 1,646,640 | 20 | 336 |
Thorn THE-N | 1,653,120 | 20 | 484 |
Stinger STG-3G | 1,662,240 | 20 | 438 |
Mercury MCY-97 | 1,734,941 | 20 | 380 |
Stinger STG-5R | 1,758,240 | 20 | 461 |
Stinger STG-5M | 1,768,440 | 20 | 352 |
Mercury MCY-99 | 1,796,441 | 20 | 471 |
Mongoose MON-66 | 1,979,480 | 25 | 633 |
Wasp WSP-3L | 2,137,200 | 20 | 441 |
Firefly FFL-4A | 2,203,500 | 30 | 649 |
Nexus NXS1-A | 2,213,959 | 25 | 626 |
Eagle EGL-2M | 2,237,918 | 25 | 745 |
Falcon FLC-4N | 2,249,390 | 30 | 523 |
Javelin JVN-10N | 2,400,840 | 30 | 487 |
Hammer HMR-3M | 2,411,240 | 30 | 616 |
Thorn THE-N1 | 2,446,620 | 20 | 595 |
Panther PNT-9R | 2,485,711 | 35 | 664 |
Hermes HER-1S | 2,701,270 | 30 | 596 |
Mercury MCY-102 | 2,711,740 | 20 | 408 |
Hussar HSR-200-D | 2,790,840 | 30 | 577 |
Whitworth WTH-1S | 2,859,734 | 40 | 753 |
Whitworth WTH-1 | 2,912,934 | 40 | 771 |
Red Shift RDS-2A | 2,942,400 | 20 | 549 |
Red Shift RDS-2B | 2,942,400 | 20 | 485 |
Spider SDR-5V | 2,984,540 | 30 | 514 |
Firestarter FS9-H | 3,046,950 | 35 | 500 |
Spider SDR-7M | 3,115,840 | 30 | 492 |
Nexus NXS1-B | 3,116,146 | 25 | 671 |
Blackjack BJ-1 | 3,147,225 | 45 | 795 |
Initiate INI-02 | 3,177,184 | 40 | 899 |
Sentinel STN-3L | 3,292,030 | 40 | 614 |
Cicada CDA-3C | 3,306,334 | 40 | 656 |
Locust LCT-5M | 3,318,000 | 20 | 516 |
Hermes HER-3S | 3,328,520 | 30 | 510 |
Hunchback HBK-4P | 3,377,876 | 50 | 960 |
Ostscout OTT-7J | 3,409,201 | 35 | 497 |
Ostscout OTT-7J | 3,409,201 | 35 | 497 |
Ostscout OTT-7K | 3,422,701 | 35 | 372 |
Hunchback HBK-4H | 3,425,876 | 50 | 850 |
Hunchback HBK-4N | 3,437,126 | 50 | 843 |
Hunchback HBK-4SP | 3,446,876 | 50 | 854 |
Vulcan VL-2T | 3,462,900 | 40 | 523 |
Hunchback HBK-4G | 3,467,876 | 50 | 851 |
Wyvern WVE-5N | 3,470,865 | 45 | 883 |
Vulcan VL-5T | 3,558,100 | 40 | 744 |
Tarantula ZPH-3A | 3,560,416 | 25 | 631 |
Hunchback HBK-4J | 3,560,876 | 50 | 853 |
Centurion CN9-A | 3,563,501 | 50 | 772 |
Clint CLNT-2-3T | 3,572,380 | 40 | 672 |
Hunchback HBK-5N | 3,575,876 | 50 | 903 |
Centurion CN9-AH | 3,589,751 | 50 | 749 |
Tarantula ZPH-1A | 3,627,918 | 25 | 636 |
Cicada CDA-2B | 3,692,968 | 40 | 523 |
Cicada CDA-2A | 3,705,218 | 40 | 567 |
Wyvern WVE-9N | 3,725,340 | 45 | 951 |
Tarantula ZPH-2A | 3,727,916 | 25 | 732 |
Assassin ASN-21 | 3,765,814 | 40 | 596 |
Mongoose MON-76 | 3,879,479 | 25 | 724 |
Assassin ASN-23 | 3,882,014 | 40 | 609 |
Tarantula ZPH-4A | 4,015,416 | 25 | 771 |
Nexus II NXS2-A | 4,028,125 | 25 | 689 |
Crab CRB-27 | 4,050,876 | 50 | 965 |
Hoplite HOP-4C | 4,065,909 | 55 | 836 |
Phoenix Hawk PXH-1 | 4,067,540 | 45 | 838 |
Trebuchet TBT-5N | 4,293,501 | 50 | 864 |
Hoplite HOP-4B | 4,335,759 | 55 | 994 |
Nexus II NXS2-B | 4,512,500 | 25 | 620 |
Lineholder KW1-LH2 | 4,515,668 | 55 | 987 |
Shadow Hawk SHD-2H | 4,539,383 | 55 | 918 |
Falcon Hawk FNHK-9K | 4,544,551 | 35 | 889 |
Jackal JA-KL-1532 | 4,567,940 | 30 | 678 |
Lineholder KW1-LH3 | 4,608,668 | 55 | 935 |
Chameleon CLN-7V | 4,623,375 | 50 | 839 |
Kintaro KTO-18 | 4,699,808 | 55 | 864 |
Kintaro KTO-19 | 4,749,408 | 55 | 857 |
Hussar HSR-400-D | 4,821,440 | 30 | 534 |
Wolverine WVR-6R | 4,827,683 | 55 | 957 |
Chameleon CLN-7W | 4,857,000 | 50 | 1,101 |
Rifleman RFL-3N | 4,860,000 | 60 | 797 |
Apollo APL-1M | 4,866,174 | 55 | 1,044 |
Ostroc OSR-3C | 4,918,400 | 60 | 976 |
Griffin GRF-1N | 4,957,108 | 55 | 1,021 |
Dervish DV-6M | 4,980,668 | 55 | 868 |
Ostroc OSR-2L | 4,982,400 | 60 | 970 |
Ostroc OSR-2C | 5,025,600 | 60 | 951 |
Ostsol OTL-4D | 5,032,960 | 60 | 1,034 |
Ostsol OTL-4D | 5,032,960 | 60 | 1,034 |
Wyvern WVE-10N | 5,037,590 | 45 | 1,098 |
Champion CHP-2N | 5,037,600 | 60 | 839 |
Centurion CN10-B | 5,073,254 | 55 | 1,078 |
Ostsol OTL-4F | 5,096,960 | 60 | 1,023 |
Night Hawk NTK-2Q | 5,126,625 | 35 | 863 |
Scorpion SCP-1N | 5,201,800 | 55 | 786 |
Phoenix Hawk PXH-4L | 5,255,815 | 45 | 1,117 |
Scorpion SCP-10 | 5,356,800 | 55 | 785 |
Thunderbolt TDR-5S | 5,446,761 | 65 | 1,015 |
Quickdraw QKD-5A | 5,452,160 | 60 | 1,070 |
Ostroc OSR-2D | 5,488,960 | 60 | 942 |
Bombardier BMB-10D | 5,497,911 | 65 | 1,015 |
Quickdraw QKD-4H | 5,509,760 | 60 | 1,006 |
Quickdraw QKD-4G | 5,514,560 | 60 | 1,012 |
Crusader CRD-3R | 5,547,411 | 65 | 948 |
Crusader CRD-3R | 5,547,411 | 65 | 948 |
Crusader CRD-3L | 5,583,711 | 65 | 1,032 |
Catapult CPLT-A1 | 5,658,126 | 65 | 1,184 |
Champion CHP-1N | 5,674,400 | 60 | 942 |
Yeoman YMN-6Y | 5,696,000 | 60 | 1,222 |
Catapult CPLT-C1 | 5,790,126 | 65 | 1,165 |
Anvil ANV-3M | 5,856,960 | 60 | 1,244 |
Catapult CPLT-C4 | 5,893,251 | 65 | 1,104 |
Thunderbolt TDR-7M | 5,910,411 | 65 | 1,338 |
Hermes HER-4S | 5,980,520 | 30 | 787 |
Grasshopper GHR-5H | 6,024,574 | 70 | 1,268 |
Warhammer WHM-6R | 6,026,784 | 70 | 978 |
Talon TLN-5W | 6,034,276 | 35 | 1,030 |
Thunderbolt TDR-9S | 6,045,381 | 65 | 1,244 |
Guillotine GLT-4L | 6,062,484 | 70 | 1,222 |
Spector SPR-5F | 6,136,718 | 35 | 1,141 |
Hussar HSR-500-D | 6,152,640 | 30 | 867 |
Grasshopper GHR-5N | 6,160,574 | 70 | 1,316 |
Guillotine GLT-3N | 6,300,484 | 70 | 1,296 |
Archer ARC-2R | 6,384,974 | 70 | 1,117 |
Grasshopper GHR-5J | 6,427,474 | 70 | 1,201 |
Awesome AWS-8R | 6,436,170 | 80 | 1,283 |
Gurkha GUR-4G | 6,477,660 | 35 | 787 |
Awesome AWS-8V | 6,481,170 | 80 | 1,323 |
Thunderbolt TDR-9M | 6,482,961 | 65 | 1,500 |
Kintaro KTO-21 | 6,551,281 | 55 | 1,144 |
Shootist ST-8A | 6,555,229 | 70 | 1,277 |
Crusader CRD-7L | 6,564,360 | 65 | 1,507 |
Black Knight BL-7-KNT | 6,594,438 | 75 | 1,106 |
Awesome AWS-8Q | 6,598,170 | 80 | 1,358 |
Awesome AWS-8T | 6,598,170 | 80 | 1,312 |
Marauder MAD-3R | 6,635,125 | 75 | 1,089 |
Gurkha GUR-2G | 6,646,410 | 35 | 892 |
Warhammer WHM-7M | 6,648,134 | 70 | 1,238 |
Orion ON1-K | 6,763,750 | 75 | 1,069 |
Black Knight BL-6-KNT | 6,786,938 | 75 | 1,191 |
Blue Flame BLF-21 | 7,102,390 | 45 | 1,021 |
Stalker STK-4N | 7,245,525 | 85 | 1,225 |
Archer ARC-4M | 7,352,274 | 70 | 1,539 |
Crockett CRK-5003-0 | 7,378,725 | 85 | 1,325 |
Longbow LGB-7Q | 7,408,325 | 85 | 1,376 |
Stalker STK-3F | 7,452,725 | 85 | 1,152 |
Awesome AWS-9Q | 7,456,050 | 80 | 1,623 |
Charger CGR-1A1 | 7,520,372 | 80 | 820 |
Goliath GOL-1H | 7,546,801 | 80 | 1,200 |
Archer ARC-8M | 7,593,674 | 70 | 1,377 |
Stalker STK-3H | 7,637,725 | 85 | 1,249 |
Stalker STK-5M | 7,696,925 | 85 | 1,316 |
Striker STC-2C | 7,709,701 | 80 | 1,154 |
Hermes II HER-5C | 7,804,580 | 40 | 830 |
Ostscout OTT-9CS | 7,929,337 | 35 | 734 |
Shogun SHG-2E | 7,966,100 | 85 | 1,498 |
Victor VTR-9B | 8,013,721 | 80 | 1,165 |
Victor VTR-9A | 8,027,221 | 80 | 971 |
Victor VTR-9A1 | 8,036,221 | 80 | 1,110 |
Huron Warrior HUR-WO-R4L | 8,279,001 | 50 | 1,139 |
Crockett CRK-5003-1 | 8,333,325 | 85 | 1,619 |
Thug THG-11E | 8,414,041 | 80 | 1,450 |
Victor VTR-9K | 8,499,721 | 80 | 1,634 |
BattleMaster BLR-1G | 8,501,244 | 85 | 1,212 |
Longbow LGB-OW | 8,647,672 | 85 | 1,034 |
Mackie MSK-6S | 8,654,000 | 100 | 1,180 |
Cicada CDA-3F | 8,720,026 | 40 | 1,202 |
Trebuchet TBT-7M | 8,844,501 | 50 | 1,206 |
Highlander HGN-732 | 8,871,480 | 90 | 1,838 |
Blackjack BJ2-O | 8,923,439 | 50 | 1,187 |
Blackjack BJ2-OD | 8,973,596 | 50 | 1,184 |
BattleMaster BLR-3M | 8,987,794 | 85 | 1,495 |
Cyclops CP-10-Q | 9,126,460 | 90 | 1,213 |
Blackjack BJ2-OA | 9,127,346 | 50 | 1,231 |
Cyclops CP-11-A | 9,318,360 | 90 | 1,251 |
Legacy LGC-01 | 9,329,490 | 80 | 1,751 |
Blackjack BJ2-OF | 9,344,846 | 50 | 1,258 |
BattleMaster BLR-5M | 9,348,544 | 85 | 1,484 |
Cyclops CP-10-Z | 9,375,360 | 90 | 965 |
Blackjack BJ2-OC | 9,509,846 | 50 | 1,161 |
Banshee BNC-3E | 9,530,854 | 95 | 1,223 |
Legacy LGC-02 | 9,531,090 | 80 | 1,661 |
Chameleon CLN-7Z | 9,538,500 | 50 | 1,283 |
Blackjack BJ2-OB | 9,671,096 | 50 | 1,298 |
Atlas AS7-D | 9,682,000 | 100 | 1,557 |
Firestarter FS9-O | 9,783,875 | 45 | 1,009 |
Firestarter FS9-OE | 9,819,400 | 45 | 932 |
Rifleman RFL-5M | 9,926,400 | 60 | 1,043 |
Raijin RJN101-A | 9,946,500 | 50 | 1,132 |
Thug THG-12E | 9,974,641 | 80 | 1,476 |
Lynx LNX-9Q | 10,105,743 | 55 | 1,525 |
Firestarter FS9-OA | 10,179,000 | 45 | 902 |
Firestarter FS9-OG | 10,183,986 | 45 | 1,008 |
King Crab KGC-000 | 10,202,000 | 100 | 1,509 |
Grim Reaper GRM-R-PR29 | 10,241,058 | 55 | 1,118 |
Cyclops CP-11-G | 10,275,960 | 90 | 1,770 |
Firestarter FS9-OC | 10,338,954 | 45 | 939 |
Marauder MAD-5L | 10,452,750 | 75 | 1,614 |
Raijin II RJN-200-B | 10,482,375 | 50 | 1,225 |
Firestarter FS9-OB | 10,493,017 | 45 | 957 |
Highlander HGN-736 | 10,695,480 | 90 | 2,118 |
Rifleman RFL-7M | 10,923,600 | 60 | 1,166 |
Firestarter FS9-OD | 10,930,736 | 45 | 1,210 |
Raijin RJN101-C | 11,016,000 | 50 | 1,179 |
Cestus CTS-6Y | 11,327,361 | 65 | 1,495 |
Raijin II RJN-200-C | 11,332,500 | 50 | 1,341 |
Warhammer WHM-9S | 11,359,400 | 70 | 1,433 |
Wolverine WVR-7M | 11,451,608 | 55 | 1,309 |
Ostsol OTL-5M | 11,458,560 | 60 | 1,102 |
Buccaneer BCN-3R | 11,622,520 | 55 | 1,091 |
Crusader CRD-5M | 11,708,181 | 65 | 1,348 |
Shadow Hawk SHD-7CS | 11,716,656 | 55 | 1,370 |
Champion CHP-3N | 11,834,400 | 60 | 1,059 |
Cyclops CP-11-C | 11,902,360 | 90 | 1,364 |
Tempest TMP-3M | 11,912,451 | 65 | 1,613 |
Grim Reaper GRM-R-PR31 | 11,938,694 | 50 | 1,347 |
Vanquisher VQR-2B | 12,022,000 | 100 | 1,832 |
Ostsol OTL-7M | 12,048,960 | 60 | 1,294 |
Grim Reaper GRM-R-PR30 | 12,056,106 | 50 | 1,250 |
Griffin GRF-6CS | 12,178,556 | 55 | 1,469 |
Raijin II RJN-200-A | 12,292,500 | 50 | 1,425 |
Vanquisher VQR-2A | 12,422,000 | 100 | 1,858 |
Bandersnatch BNDR-01B | 12,526,500 | 75 | 1,332 |
Lightray LGH-4W | 12,577,811 | 55 | 1,166 |
Lightray LGH-4Y | 12,604,161 | 55 | 1,067 |
Scorpion SCP-12C | 12,736,428 | 55 | 1,058 |
Lightray LGH-5W | 12,771,561 | 55 | 1,288 |
Lancelot LNC25-01 | 13,025,600 | 60 | 1,185 |
Champion CHP-3P | 13,203,200 | 60 | 1,217 |
Wraith TR1 | 13,225,324 | 55 | 1,089 |
King Crab KGC-005 | 13,322,000 | 100 | 1,918 |
Bombardier BMB-12D | 13,958,562 | 65 | 1,277 |
Wraith TR3 | 14,228,174 | 55 | 1,111 |
White Flame WHF-3B | 14,684,940 | 70 | 1,341 |
Ostsol OTL-8M | 14,844,560 | 60 | 1,196 |
Grand Crusader GRN-D-01 | 14,923,800 | 80 | 1,197 |
Grand Crusader GRN-D-02 | 15,033,600 | 80 | 1,211 |
Orion ON1-M | 15,398,250 | 75 | 1,192 |
War Dog WR-DG-02FC | 15,401,750 | 75 | 1,553 |
Black Knight BL-9-KNT | 15,438,500 | 75 | 1,222 |
Marauder MAD-5M | 15,641,500 | 75 | 1,391 |
Bombardier BMB-14C | 15,689,822 | 65 | 1,346 |
Exterminator EXT-4D | 15,806,423 | 65 | 1,220 |
Excalibur EXC-B2 | 15,816,688 | 70 | 1,361 |
Toyama TYM-1A | 16,267,125 | 75 | 1,352 |
Hercules HRC-LS-9000 | 16,275,688 | 70 | 1,336 |
War Dog WR-DG-03FC | 16,395,750 | 75 | 1,522 |
Avatar AV1-O | 17,100,231 | 70 | 1,089 |
Avatar AV1-OD | 17,187,356 | 70 | 1,170 |
Avatar AV1-OA | 17,276,606 | 70 | 1,204 |
Avatar AV1-OF | 17,726,043 | 70 | 1,607 |
Flashman FLS-8K | 17,831,625 | 75 | 1,409 |
Avatar AV1-OB | 17,902,418 | 70 | 1,179 |
Awesome AWS-9M | 18,090,121 | 80 | 1,469 |
Emperor EMP-6A | 18,682,700 | 90 | 1,636 |
Exterminator EXT-5E | 18,743,010 | 65 | 1,159 |
Avatar AV1-OE | 18,763,043 | 70 | 1,383 |
Grand Crusader II GRN-D-04 | 18,784,800 | 80 | 1,828 |
Grand Crusader II GRN-D-03 | 19,155,600 | 80 | 1,761 |
Perseus P1B | 19,335,858 | 75 | 1,431 |
Perseus P1C | 19,472,031 | 75 | 1,487 |
Avatar AV1-OC | 19,712,918 | 70 | 1,094 |
Nightstar NSR-9J | 20,159,978 | 95 | 2,135 |
Spartan SPT-N2 | 20,365,442 | 80 | 1,280 |
Perseus P1 | 20,494,142 | 75 | 1,290 |
Spartan SPT-NF | 20,642,639 | 80 | 1,280 |
Perseus P1A | 20,901,562 | 75 | 1,409 |
Perseus P1D | 21,312,266 | 75 | 1,358 |
Thunder Hawk TDK-7X | 22,162,000 | 100 | 1,967 |
Pillager PLG-3Z | 22,290,000 | 100 | 2,551 |
King Crab KGC-001 | 22,948,000 | 100 | 1,714 |
Cerberus MR-V3 | 25,220,651 | 95 | 1,862 |
Cerberus MR-V2 | 25,236,251 | 95 | 1,791 |
Cerberus MR-5M | 25,490,726 | 95 | 1,633 |
Albatross ALB-3U | 25,493,651 | 95 | 1,296 |
Cerberus MR-6B | 27,049,751 | 95 | 1,679 |
Grand Titan T-IT-N10M | 28,833,334 | 100 | 1,364 |
Added Stable abilities (Mods) for the fatcion.