Thursday, May 5, 2011

Faction: House Marik (Free Worlds League)

Name:  House Marik (Free Worlds League)

The Free Worlds League is notable as the first successor state founded in the Inner Sphere. It is multicultural, with strong European, American and Indian influences. It also traditionally offered great autonomy to its component regions, like the Duchy of Oriente, Principality of Regulus, and Duchy of Andurien.  Its capital is Atreus and the League is ruled by a Captain-General, leaders of House Marik.
  • Total (Inhabited) Systems: 330+
  • Dominant Language(s): English
The Free Worlds League was a federation that was initially created by three existing nations, the Marik Republic, Federation of Oriente, and Regulan Principality. Three nations, formed in the wake of the Terran Alliance's internal struggles, signed the Articles of Unification (also known as the Treaty of Marik) in 2271, creating the League even before the establishment of the Terran Hegemony. As influential as Detlev Marik, Tomás Allison, and Raju Selaj, the leaders of their respective nations, were, the League owes just as much to George Humphreys, the man who negotiated between the three leaders.

The League's first war occurred in 2293 against the Stewart Commonality. That nation's dictator, David Genovese, refused the League's peaceful entreaties. In September, Captain-General Juliano Marik led a force in what came to be known as the Stewart War. Marik's forces were easily victorious and the League annexed the six-world Commonality. This marked the first time the League Parliament named a Captain-General to lead military forces in battle. As proscribed by the League constitution, Marik returned control of the Free Worlds League Military to Parliament at the end of the war.

The Free Worlds League has a strong emphasis on combined-arms tactics, with almost all of their regiments featuring a large number of infantry, armor, and aerospace assets, as well as one of the largest navies in the Inner Sphere. The focus on BattleMechs, however, does exist within their elite regiments, including the Knights of the Inner Sphere.

Available Player Slots: 3

Current Players: Dereck

Available Stables:
Available Sponsors:
  • Marik Sponsors
  • Unaffiliated sponsors

Special Rules:  Word of Blake relations, Once at 15 Fame the Mechwarrior may buy from the Word of Blake Mech lists.

Special Technology:  Light Gauss Rifle

Available Starter mechs: (Italic means I don't own the mini, BOLD are recommendations)
Assassin ASN-21, ASN-23
Centurion CN9-A, CN9-AH
Cicada CDA-2A, CDA-2B, CDA-3C
Clint CLNT-2-3T
Eagle EGL-1M, EGL-2M
Firestarter FS9-H
Flea FLE-15, FLE-17, FLE-4
Hammer HMR-3C, HMR-3M, HMR-3P, HMR-3S
Hermes HER-1A, HER-3S, HER-3S1, HER-3S2
Hermes II HER-2M, HER-2S, HER-5S
Hunchback HBK-4G, HBK-4H, HBK-4J, HBK-4N, HBK-4P, HBK-4SP, HBK-5M, HBK-5N
Javelin JVN-10N
Jenner JR7-D
Locust LCT-1E, LCT-1M, LCT-1V, LCT-3M, LCT-3V, LCT-5M
Mercury MCY-98
Ostscout OTT-7J
Panther PNT-9R
Sentinel STN-3K
Spider SDR-5V, SDR-7M, SDR-8M
Stinger STG-3G, STG-3R, STG-5M
Tarantula ZPH-1A, ZPH-2A, ZPH-3A, ZPH-4A
UrbanMech UM-R60
Vulcan VL-2T, VL-5T, VT-5M
Wasp WSP-1A, WSP-3M
Whitworth WTH-1, WTH-1S

All Available Mechs: (Listed by C-Bill base price)
House Marik / Free Worlds League C-Bills Cost Tons BV
UrbanMech UM-R60  1,471,925 30 454
Locust LCT-1V  1,512,401 20 356
Flea FLE-4  1,519,200 20 360
Flea FLE-15  1,520,400 20 352
Locust LCT-3V  1,553,801 20 434
Locust LCT-1M  1,571,201 20 382
Locust LCT-1E  1,574,201 20 484
Mercury MCY-98 1,580,441 20 484
Stinger STG-3R 1,615,440 20 320
Wasp WSP-1A  1,646,640 20 336
Stinger STG-3G 1,662,240 20 438
Flea FLE-17  1,728,000 20 371
Stinger STG-5M 1,768,440 20 352
Wasp WSP-3M  1,781,520 20 346
Locust LCT-3M  1,788,401 20 464
Eagle EGL-1M  2,216,980 25 718
Eagle EGL-2M  2,237,918 25 745
Javelin JVN-10N 2,400,840 30 487
Hammer HMR-3M  2,411,240 30 616
Panther PNT-9R 2,485,711 35 664
Hammer HMR-3C  2,533,440 30 834
Hammer HMR-3P  2,533,440 30 736
Hammer HMR-3S  2,541,240 30 528
Hermes HER-1A  2,569,970 30 501
Whitworth WTH-1S  2,859,734 40 753
Whitworth WTH-1 2,912,934 40 771
Spider SDR-5V  2,984,540 30 514
Firestarter FS9-H  3,046,950 35 500
Spider SDR-7M  3,115,840 30 492
Sentinel STN-3K 3,117,730 40 536
Hermes II HER-2S  3,165,680 40 665
Spider SDR-8M  3,193,840 30 588
Jenner JR7-D  3,198,376 35 669
Hermes II HER-2M  3,263,214 40 740
Cicada CDA-3C  3,306,334 40 656
Locust LCT-5M  3,318,000 20 516
Hermes HER-3S  3,328,520 30 510
Hunchback HBK-4P  3,377,876 50 960
Ostscout OTT-7J 3,409,201 35 497
Ostscout OTT-7K 3,422,701 35 372
Hunchback HBK-4H  3,425,876 50 850
Hunchback HBK-4N  3,437,126 50 843
Hunchback HBK-4SP  3,446,876 50 854
Hermes II HER-5S  3,456,180 40 740
Vulcan VL-2T  3,462,900 40 523
Hunchback HBK-4G  3,467,876 50 851
Vulcan VL-5T  3,558,100 40 744
Tarantula ZPH-3A  3,560,416 25 631
Hunchback HBK-4J  3,560,876 50 853
Centurion CN9-A 3,563,501 50 772
Clint CLNT-2-3T 3,572,380 40 672
Hunchback HBK-5N  3,575,876 50 903
Hermes HER-3S1 3,588,520 30 572
Centurion CN9-AH  3,589,751 50 749
Hermes HER-3S2 3,601,520 30 466
Tarantula ZPH-1A  3,627,918 25 636
Hunchback HBK-5M  3,643,001 50 932
Cicada CDA-2B  3,692,968 40 523
Cicada CDA-2A  3,705,218 40 567
Tarantula ZPH-2A  3,727,916 25 732
Assassin ASN-21 3,765,814 40 596
Vulcan VT-5M  3,789,100 40 761
Assassin ASN-23 3,882,014 40 609
Tarantula ZPH-4A  4,015,416 25 771
Phoenix Hawk PXH-1  4,067,540 45 838
Trebuchet TBT-5N  4,293,501 50 864
Trebuchet TBT-5J  4,383,501 50 1,034
Falcon Hawk FNHK-9K1A  4,436,551 35 900
Lineholder KW1-LH2  4,515,668 55 987
Shadow Hawk SHD-2H  4,539,383 55 918
Falcon Hawk FNHK-9K  4,544,551 35 889
Jackal JA-KL-1532  4,567,940 30 678
Hunchback HBK-5P  4,594,000 50 1,162
Lineholder KW1-LH3  4,608,668 55 935
Chameleon CLN-7V  4,623,375 50 839
Apollo APL-1R  4,649,174 55 973
Kintaro KTO-18 4,699,808 55 864
Wolverine WVR-6R  4,827,683 55 957
Chameleon CLN-7W  4,857,000 50 1,101
Rifleman RFL-3N 4,860,000 60 797
Wolverine WVR-6M  4,865,658 55 1,059
Apollo APL-1M  4,866,174 55 1,044
Apollo APL-3T  4,894,074 55 1,011
Cronus CNS-3M  4,896,656 55 1,070
Ostroc OSR-3C  4,918,400 60 976
Apollo APL-2S  4,940,574 55 1,120
Griffin GRF-1N 4,957,108 55 1,021
Dervish DV-6M  4,980,668 55 868
Ostroc OSR-2L  4,982,400 60 970
Ostroc OSR-2C  5,025,600 60 951
Ostsol OTL-4D  5,032,960 60 1,034
Champion CHP-2N 5,037,600 60 839
Centurion CN10-B  5,073,254 55 1,078
Ostsol OTL-4F  5,096,960 60 1,023
Scorpion SCP-1N 5,201,800 55 786
Ostroc OSR-2M  5,238,400 60 1,036
Raven RVN-3L  5,353,425 35 592
Scorpion SCP-10 5,356,800 55 785
Thunderbolt TDR-5S  5,446,761 65 1,015
Quickdraw QKD-5A  5,452,160 60 1,070
Ostroc OSR-2D  5,488,960 60 942
Quickdraw QKD-4H  5,509,760 60 1,006
Quickdraw QKD-4G  5,514,560 60 1,012
Crusader CRD-3R 5,547,411 65 948
Anvil ANV-5Q  5,548,160 60 1,210
Yeoman YMN-6Y  5,696,000 60 1,222
Anvil ANV-3R  5,732,160 60 1,264
Quickdraw QKD-5M  5,746,560 60 1,142
Anvil ANV-3M  5,856,960 60 1,244
Anvil ANV-6M  5,872,960 60 1,213
Thunderbolt TDR-7M  5,910,411 65 1,338
Hermes HER-4S  5,980,520 30 787
Grasshopper GHR-5H  6,024,574 70 1,268
Warhammer WHM-6R  6,026,784 70 978
Thunderbolt TDR-9S  6,045,381 65 1,244
Guillotine GLT-4L  6,062,484 70 1,222
Grasshopper GHR-5N  6,160,574 70 1,316
Marauder MAD-3M 6,299,125 75 1,105
Anvil ANV-5M  6,372,160 60 1,452
Archer ARC-2R  6,384,974 70 1,117
Grasshopper GHR-5J  6,427,474 70 1,201
Awesome AWS-8R 6,436,170 80 1,283
Guillotine GLT-5M  6,470,484 70 1,295
Awesome AWS-8V 6,481,170 80 1,323
Thunderbolt TDR-9M  6,482,961 65 1,500
Orion ON1-VA  6,510,000 75 1,111
Awesome AWS-8Q 6,598,170 80 1,358
Awesome AWS-8T 6,598,170 80 1,312
Marauder MAD-3R 6,635,125 75 1,089
Warhammer WHM-7M  6,648,134 70 1,238
Orion ON1-K  6,763,750 75 1,069
Orion ON1-V  6,837,250 75 931
Anvil ANV-8M  7,156,480 60 1,138
Snake SNK-1V  7,233,470 45 910
Stalker STK-4N 7,245,525 85 1,225
Archer ARC-4M  7,352,274 70 1,539
Crockett CRK-5003-0  7,378,725 85 1,325
Owens OW-1A  7,385,909 35 551
Longbow LGB-7Q 7,408,325 85 1,376
Stalker STK-3F 7,452,725 85 1,152
Awesome AWS-9Q 7,456,050 80 1,623
Warhammer WHM-8D  7,500,684 70 1,396
Charger CGR-1A1 7,520,372 80 820
Owens OW-1  7,545,377 35 695
Goliath GOL-1H 7,546,801 80 1,200
Owens OW-1C  7,591,784 35 729
Archer ARC-8M  7,593,674 70 1,377
Owens OW-1D  7,613,721 35 526
Zeus ZEU-6S  7,617,901 80 1,148
Stalker STK-3H 7,637,725 85 1,249
Stalker STK-5M 7,696,925 85 1,316
Owens OW-1B  7,713,284 35 629
Orion ON2-M  7,735,000 75 1,633
Cicada CDA-3M  7,742,468 40 664
Thug THG-10E  7,760,641 80 1,203
Owens OW-1E  7,887,096 35 654
Victor VTR-9B  8,013,721 80 1,165
Victor VTR-9A  8,027,221 80 971
Victor VTR-9A1 8,036,221 80 1,110
Huron Warrior HUR-WO-R4M  8,264,001 50 1,180
Huron Warrior HUR-WO-R4L  8,279,001 50 1,139
Phoenix Hawk PXH-3M  8,455,240 45 1,057
Victor VTR-9K  8,499,721 80 1,634
BattleMaster BLR-1G  8,501,244 85 1,212
Longbow LGB-OW 8,647,672 85 1,034
Cicada CDA-3F  8,720,026 40 1,202
Trebuchet TBT-7M  8,844,501 50 1,206
Blackjack BJ2-O 8,923,439 50 1,187
Blackjack BJ2-OD  8,973,596 50 1,184
BattleMaster BLR-3M  8,987,794 85 1,495
Blackjack BJ2-OE  9,080,469 50 1,158
Cyclops CP-10-Q 9,126,460 90 1,213
Blackjack BJ2-OA  9,127,346 50 1,231
Bloodhound B1-HND  9,263,252 45 1,090
Cyclops CP-11-A 9,318,360 90 1,251
Blackjack BJ2-OF  9,344,846 50 1,258
BattleMaster BLR-5M  9,348,544 85 1,484
Cyclops CP-10-Z 9,375,360 90 965
Blackjack BJ2-OC  9,509,846 50 1,161
Banshee BNC-3E 9,530,854 95 1,223
Chameleon CLN-7Z  9,538,500 50 1,283
Bloodhound B2-HND  9,552,165 45 1,206
Banshee BNC-3Q 9,574,729 95 1,151
Blackjack BJ2-OB  9,671,096 50 1,298
Atlas AS7-D  9,682,000 100 1,557
Firestarter FS9-O  9,783,875 45 1,009
Firestarter FS9-OE  9,819,400 45 932
Banshee BNC-3M 9,824,329 95 1,267
Rifleman RFL-5M 9,926,400 60 1,043
Griffin GRF-5M 9,963,994 55 1,108
Sirocco SRC-5C 10,132,200 95 1,884
Sirocco SRC-3C 10,159,500 95 1,808
Firestarter FS9-OA  10,179,000 45 902
Firestarter FS9-OG  10,183,986 45 1,008
Shadow Hawk SHD-5M  10,194,558 55 1,349
Griffin GRF-3M 10,250,746 55 1,440
Cyclops CP-11-G 10,275,960 90 1,770
Shadow Hawk SHD-7M  10,313,906 55 1,351
Firestarter FS9-OC  10,338,954 45 939
Firestarter FS9-OF  10,440,452 45 1,225
Firestarter FS9-OB  10,493,017 45 957
Blitzkrieg BTZ-3F  10,787,501 50 1,092
Rifleman RFL-7M 10,923,600 60 1,166
Firestarter FS9-OD  10,930,736 45 1,210
Wolverine WVR-7M  11,451,608 55 1,309
Ostsol OTL-5M  11,458,560 60 1,102
Buccaneer BCN-3R  11,622,520 55 1,091
Crusader CRD-5M 11,708,181 65 1,348
Cyclops CP-11-C 11,902,360 90 1,364
Tempest TMP-3M 11,912,451 65 1,613
Ostsol OTL-7M  12,048,960 60 1,294
Tempest TMP-3M2 12,203,263 65 1,406
Bandersnatch BNDR-01B  12,526,500 75 1,332
Wraith TR1  13,225,324 55 1,089
Wraith TR2  13,419,074 55 1,265
Ostsol OTL-8M  14,844,560 60 1,196
Grand Crusader GRN-D-01 14,923,800 80 1,197
Grand Crusader GRN-D-02 15,033,600 80 1,211
Orion ON1-M  15,398,250 75 1,192
War Dog WR-DG-02FC  15,401,750 75 1,553
Marauder MAD-5M 15,641,500 75 1,391
Bandersnatch BNDR-01A  15,986,250 75 1,216
Hercules HRC-LS-9001  16,250,186 70 1,347
Marauder MAD-9M 16,273,250 75 1,383
Hercules HRC-LS-9000  16,275,688 70 1,336
War Dog WR-DG-03FC  16,395,750 75 1,522
Goliath GOL-3M 17,045,401 80 1,310
Avatar AV1-O  17,100,231 70 1,089
Longbow LGB-7V 17,176,325 85 1,366
Avatar AV1-OD  17,187,356 70 1,170
Avatar AV1-OA  17,276,606 70 1,204
Longbow LGB-12C 17,577,312 85 1,342
Avatar AV1-OF  17,726,043 70 1,607
Avatar AV1-OB  17,902,418 70 1,179
Awesome AWS-9M 18,090,121 80 1,469
Marauder II MAD-4S  19,002,000 100 2,225
Perseus P1B  19,335,858 75 1,431
Perseus P1C  19,472,031 75 1,487
Avatar AV1-OC  19,712,918 70 1,094
Perseus P1  20,494,142 75 1,290
Perseus P1A  20,901,562 75 1,409
Perseus P1D  21,312,266 75 1,358
Cerberus MR-V3 25,220,651 95 1,862
Cerberus MR-V2 25,236,251 95 1,791
Banshee BNC-5S 25,429,496 95 1,613
Cerberus MR-5M 25,490,726 95 1,633
Albatross ALB-3U  25,493,651 95 1,296
Albatross ALB-4U  25,552,638 95 1,572
Grand Titan T-IT-N11M  28,797,834 100 1,688
Grand Titan T-IT-N10M  28,833,334 100 1,364

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