- Link all Stables to Faction (Done)
- Set starting C-Bill amount (Done, 4 Million C- Bills, Done)
- Decide how many mechwarriors each player will have...(Done, One, unlimited class)
- Decide do we run one battle at a time or have two tables going. With half the players at each table, or each player running a mech in two battles. (Probably a little of both)
- Review Iniative. Card based, use cards for fire declaration as well, and for Shooting (Will help determine kill shots)
- Review bonuses each Stable will give you.
- Get images for each stable...Do writeup on each stable...Link in menu on right side of blog
- Build Steiner Arena on 6' x 4' table. (2" wide by 1.5" high stackable walls)
- Build Factory Arena on 6' x 4' table
- Review and tweak repair rules
- Find / Consider modification rules.
- Consider where and if to add Solaris specific mechs.
Productive day today. Managed to build one of the buildings from the factory map. Still needs a paint job, but oh it will be fun to play on.