Off Board tracking page for all transactions after Battle #4.
This will be the one stop place to see what everyone has done with their off board time.
The off board time order was determined by the order of elimination alternating between Battle 4A and 4B, with battle 4A getting the first slot.
*** Current Player *** by your player name indicates it is that players turn to purchase a mech. You can purchase a mech after everyone has had a chance, but it is first come first serve at that point.
Will move this marker down as players email me their choices. Watch this page as it will update all month long.
1) BlackJack (Scott)
Repaired Hunchback HBK-5N
Landed OGS Productions Sponsorship
2) Prez (Josh)
Repaired Kintaro KTO-19
Returned Locust LCT-5M (Fallback)
Learned Cool Hand Skill
3) Firebush (Kyle)
Repaired Awesome ASW-9Q
4) Katana (Lee)
Repaired Daimyo DMO-4K
Got loan $52,000
Learned Weapon Expert, IS Medium Laser Skill
5) Peacekeeper (Rob)
Repaired Vindicator VND-5L
Got loan $4,000,000
Bought Pillager PLG-4Z (Using Sponsor 25% Discount on Stealth armor mechs)
Bought Edge point
6) Ace (Dereck)
Makes a "Seriously?" face at the remains of his Rifleman...
Grabs the keys to his Hunchback
7) Apollo (Larry)
Repaired Hunchback HBK- 4H
Bought Toughness ability
Learned Dodge Skill
8) Flashy (Fab)
Repaired Goshawk
Sold Hunchback IIC
Bought Timberwolf (Mad Cat) A
Became Weapon Specialist with the Clan ER PPC (Skill)
Got Toughness Ability
Learned the Maneuvering Ace Skill
9) Crash'n'Burn (Gregg)
Repaired Grasshopper GHR - 5N
Bought Improved Piloting (1)
Bought Improved Gunnery (1)
10) Bad Wolf (Jeff)
Sold Griffin IIC
Repaired Nova (Blackhawk)
Bought Improved Piloting (1)
Bought Improved Gunnery (1)
Got Loan ($300,000)
Bought Weapon loadout for Nova "H" variant (10 Heavy Medium Lasers)
11) Mayday (Mitch)
Repaired Hatchetman HCT-6D
Sold Atlas AS7-K
Bought Charger CGR-1A1
Modified Charger CGR-1A1 to Charger CGR-1A1 "Mayday"
Joined Starlight Stables
12) Irish (Jay)
Repaired Black Knight BL-12-KNT
Bought Cool Hand
Bought Toughness
Bought Improved Gunnery (1)
Sold Marauder MAD-5S
Bought Marauder MAD-5L
13) Truckasaurus (Dave)
*** Current Player *** - All players done
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